Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christian Myths

It seems to me that alot of people I talk to have a predetermined idea of who a christian is....IE:

Christians are always happy-Not necesarily. Infact, I would argue that a person wholeheartedly pursuing Christ is generally unhappier then a person partying their life away. I use that term loosely though, because there is a certain joy (which out-sustains happiness) that only God can give. The bible says multiple times that life given to God is not easy, but the reward He gives you (in this world and the next) is worth it 10x over. The evidence of this in my life so far compels me to believe it. Evidence that He would freely demonstrate to others given half the chance.

Christians are offended easily- This probably depends on the person. Most Christians I know are actually slow to anger (as the bible calls them to be) and choose what to be offended by wisely. People make fun of the bible, God, the Cross, just about anything else Christ related you can think of. I tend not to get offended over these things because honestly, my energy is better spent elsewhere then fruitless squabbles.

Christians love celibacy-FALSE. I can say from personal experience that more often then not I would rather wrestle a tag-team duo of a ridiculously well trained, sword-wielding orangutans then wrestle with the desire to have sex with my future wife. But like so many other things in life, God calls us to this because A. She is God's and not mine...thus He sets the rules. B. By following this guideline it glorifies Him, and C. It it better for me in the long run. (not to mention countless studies done on couples having sex in and outside of marriage) Why would I put myself through this when it is more common now days to not? Because my God is one who gives abundantly, and He says sex is more abundant in marriage.

Christians follow God's laws primarily to make themselves look better to man-Mmm...Unfortunately some do. But these "Christians" are fairly easy to pick out of the crowd. It is not hard after a few conversations to see where one's priorities lie. It's so important to me to be honest with people who don't know Christ. To give the overall impression that yes, I am a Christ follower and I also make mistakes. This is how I became a Christian. By seeing someone who loved Christ with all their heart, and yet still made mistakes in life.

You need to have your act together before coming to Christ- Also a no. Infact, a gigantic huge no. The tiniest bit of research into Christ's ministry would reveal that He not only never demanded this of anybody to accept His gift, but actually preferred and sought out the really messed up people. This is no different today. He made me...He knows what I'm about and desires a relationship with me right were I stand. This one hung me up for the longest time...

Christians hate Science-systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. <----Dictionary definition

This is hilariously redundant. Science is our OBSERVATION of the world around us. Of God's creation! This observation can and has been flawed. (unless our earth actually is square and everything revolves around it) I refuse to believe we as people (given our track record) have it all figured out in the realm of science. If anything, our observations point to the Creator's breathtaking design. But hey, I'm no scientist...

I think alot of it comes back around to what people think we are representing. Our lives as Christ followers demand a higher standard of living. Why would anyone want to believe what we did if we were no different? It's our job to portray a joy in our life that they have never seen before...and have them question it. (which is not hard to do really...I seem to have made it sound obligatory)


The disconnect comes when people think we are representing ourselves, and that there is no outside element affecting our life. I think people just assume "Oh, that's just who he is." When in fact,'s not just who I am. Who I am is inherently selfish, backstabbing, mean, self-centered, and self-glorifying. It takes an outside party to change...there is no stronger force of that then God.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Emergency Broadcast: Past

Generally, I have my blogs somewhat planned before writing. There will be some stuff in them that is currently going on in my life, but also things that have happened to me that I want to write about.

Every once in awhile however, something will happen in life that demands an alteration to my current writing plans. Something I feel I must write about right then and there...thus begins my new series; Emergency Broadcast.

I once heard that there are two types of people in the world: those that are fascinated at what happened, and those that are fascinated at what is to come. I think I am the latter. Constantly looking ahead and not overly concerned with what has happened in my life other then what could be learned from my mistakes. My past is not something that comes up a whole lot in conversations because quite honestly, I am ashamed of most of it.

That being said Friday night at Olive Garden we sat at the bar because no seats were available. Mine and Jen's bartender was none other then a huge reminder of who I once was. Now, this was not a bad thing by any means and I was excited to see her. Not to mention very surprised....I honestly thought I would never see this person again in my life. (a list of people that is dwindling)

All through dinner I couldn't help but think back to my days before Christ. Who I was, what has happened, the story is amazing. Anytime I run into anybody from this particular time in my life, I very badly want to tell them how I have changed, what God has done, where I am now in life...but of course, the middle of an Olive Garden shift is probably not the most appropriate time. (I settled for a bad joke about how much less I was being yelled at by cops)(<---wow that sounds bad....)

She gave me the number to my former best friend and informed me that he looked for me on facebook. I'm excited to share whats been going on in my life with him and hear what he has been up to. She seemed to be doing much better as well, which was encouraging....Don't think she liked working there though.

It was strange being served a Corona by a giant slap-in-the-face reminder of who you once were. Strange, but exciting to reflect on who I am now, and what God has done to me through His word and other people. She probably should have slapped me in the face after the tip I left her. I feel bad, it was not on purpose though!...The service was great. I just suck at math...Enter: Tip Calculator.

Chances are I won't get the chance to really catch up with her. But that night was spent thanking God for everything He used to make me realize that living for Him was worth more then anything this world could offer me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Returning to my influence series of posts with another very big

Some are much more family oriented then others, but all are shaped by their family. Especially in the younger years.

I love my family; they are amazing. I can easily say I would not be a Christ follower today if it weren't for my mom, dad, and two older brothers. It is easy to see in my parents parenting styles the type of love Christ has for his children. I understand how foreign of a concept (that is, the type of love God displays) this is to a lot of people, but it never has been in my life thanks to my family.

How has your family influenced you? Alot of people do not have the best of stories concerning this topic, but I do believe every family (immediate or otherwise) has given you some sort of positive encouragement. And chances are, if your entire world were to fall around you, they would support you to the best of their abilities.

I also think a family is easy to take for granted and not be thankful for. But the fact of the matter is, a family is a group of people that no matter the circumstances you should be always thankful for. If I were to stop and think of all that my (and every for that matter) family has sacrificed without me giving anything in return, that statistic would be daunting. Thankfulness would be the only response one could have I would imagine.

God's views of a family are very heavily child-based. That is to say, He is very concerned with how we will raise our family and gives us much instruction on how to do so...

Deuteronomy 4:9-10
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.

Provers 3:1-4
My son, forget not my teaching, keep in mind my commands; For many days, and years of life, and peace, will they bring you. Let not kindness and fidelity leave you; bind them around your neck; Then will you win favor and good esteem before God and man.

Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!

God is both clear and passionate about how we are to raise children. I have heard it said many times that a child is kind of like a blank canvas that is molded and shaped into who he/she will be as an adult, and how much harder it is to change who you are as one! My children will love God; don't have many doubts of that. And I will take cue's from what I have learned from my family in the process!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things-Gym Edition.

I love and hate the gym all at the same time. Never (and I hear you reach this magical bliss at some point and time) do I WANT to go to the gym. But I have found nominal ways to entertain myself in this situation.

Compete with my neighbor.

Granted, Most of the time my machine neighbor is either very old, very out of shape, or very uncommitted to the process, making competition obsolete. But, every once in a while, I'll run into that guy who sits down on the bike next to you, looks at your screen, makes sure all his settings match yours,(all while trying to pretend like he is not) and starts pumping it out like no ones business...I wish I had the guts to be that guy...beating him is so much fun.

Listen to an audio book.
I have been told that I have high entertainment needs. Unfortunately I would have to agree with this. That being said, me looking at a little guy running in circles on a screen, or a line zig-zagging up a mountain just isn't going to cut it for my workout. Music helps, but even that gets old. I had an app on my droid that played survivor episodes (Which worked pretty well) but I watched the entire season...leaving me with, audio book. This has worked surprisingly well for me lately...I like listening to/focusing on people talking and this keeps me going and forget that I'm working out.

Don't do the same things.
This one is pretty obvious, but I have to switch it up. Sometimes I'll play volleyball, do different machines, maybe even a class. One of my favorite sayings- "variety is the spice of life!"

Go with someone.
My gym encourages you to have a workout buddy. It is probably the biggest motivator for most people. You're less likely to do just about everything by yourself. Thankfully between Jen and other friends...I got a good group to go with.

Look forward to something after.
I wouldn't say this is THE reason to go to the gym, but man I love doing my after workout routine! Hot-tub...steam room...refreshing. I look forward to it during workout, and feel like I earned it after.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another One? Really?

I don't know why, but I have felt like blogging a lot recently....I have also taking a liking to this style...

-I'm going snowboarding this weekend. For those that do not know, I LOVE to is a passion in life.

-I have recently begun to hate being engaged. You never hear how wonderful engagement is about mid-way through. Thats because it's like wandering through an endless desert of days, only to arrive at the unfathomable mountain of wait. Ok; a bit of an exaggeration. But I do want to be married already. I would be very seriously tempted to go to our local courthouse if it weren't a complete slap in the face to our friends, family, and both our desires to have an evangelical ceremony. I don't see how a year long engagement is even possible...Thank God I'm not on that boat.

-I have been obsessed with GT5 (Gran-Turismo 5) lately. A game most gamers would find dull. I love it nonetheless.

-I have a fear of flying. More of a phobia really. And it's not like I'm afraid of crashing and dying. As soon as I step on a plane i get really claustrophobic (no plane could be big enough)also, once I realize I can't get off the plane of my own accord, I start panicking. I guess I don't like the no-turn-back factor. (Which is odd because I don't have commitment issues) It has kept me from going on some amazing trips with friends and overall experiencing life. I have resolved to solve this somehow with the help of people in my life...Ideas appreciated :)

-I have had many fears in life.(Some of them are absolutely ridiculous looking back. Case in point, Elevators) Most of which I have gotten over with the exception of a few. I also resolve to not raise my kids with these silly fears.

-I still love my job. This is the longest period I have gone actually enjoying what I do

-Jen does not like hers....I try to encourage by saying you will appreciate your next job that much more. I admire her admittance to the fact that she does not have to stay at her current job, and can find another. A quality I lacked these past few years.

-This one's going to be a bit of a shock to some....I don't like Christmas, and would prefer to not get presents. Yes, I am a (that is to say...the commercial xmas. I love the actual meaning. And some stuff I do like, such as lights and songs...thats about it though)

-I don't like the sense of obligation that comes with the holidays. If you get a gift and don't give one in feel bad. I know i should want to give gifts but I just don't. I would love to serve you in some other way absolutely, but I don't want to shop for you (this may possibly stem from my hatred of shopping)

-I read a blog from our premarital counselor, Rob Shepherd. ( that made a few awesome points about surrounding yourself with different people, and people who are better then you at one of your particular interests. I just want to reiterate that point in the event that I go back and read this...I tend to like to feel like I'm the best at whatever I do. Not only is that rarely ever true, but a bad habit as well.

-I have constantly been mixing up "marital counseling" and "premarital counseling." was pointed out to me, big difference.

-I want to start using the semi-colon more...this was brought upon by my community group. I will learn how to use that darn thing!


Monday, January 3, 2011


How many people do you keep in touch with regularly? A lot? A Little?

I don't find myself keeping in touch with a great many people; but with the few people I do I have begun to notice something different.

Positive steps in their life. Now, I find it important to notice these things so as to highlight them in conversation. I find it easier more often then not to point out whatever is wrong about something that is said or being done. Baby steps towards a better life is something I need to both recognize and encourage advancement of. criticism IS important (not to devalue) but I see criticism being valued over encouragement more often then not.

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
2 Corinthians 13:11

Granted, that is the way Paul ended a letter. But I think it still applies.

I have found it rewarding to take the focus off of myself at times and take note of an ongoing maturing process in someone els's life. They appreciate me noticing it, and I know I helped said process continue.

-My thoughts on a Tuesday.