Thursday, July 8, 2010


Part two of my series of influential things. This time around its music.

The question for me on this topic is what do I think about when listening to a song? Unfortunately I can never just listen to music per say, but a song will almost always spur on a thought branch where I end up more thinking to a song that will towards the end become background music.

Depending on the type of music I listen to will influence what I think about, and thought life is essential

Like some sort of weird filing system, I associate events, people, times, places, and seasons of life to music. Heh. A few select people in the world knew me at a time where my music choices were....less then substantiate. I remember in those times how not ok my thought life was.

I think music is one of those things that work both as an influencer and a reflector of what has influenced you in life. As life changes, its interesting to see how my tastes change. Infact, I keep alot of old music around that I never listen to anymore to remind me where I came from, and to laugh at myself....:)

I guess as your goals change as a person, you listen to music that support your thought life and lifestyle....

I love to know what kind of music friends listen to! It's a great indicator of what kind of person they are.

One of the main ways I worship is with music. I believe this is what music was created for, to give praise to God. When church hunting (I am currently in the process of replacing the word "shop" with the word "hunt" to imply manliness) one of the main things I just couldn't overlook was how the worship was. Every church worships God differently, but I'm glad He lead me to one that I really enjoy. Even this blog is named after a song.... permeates everything about me, and influences my thought life, mood, and day.

Thats it I suppose...Till next time!

P.S. Read this its pretty awesome, and written by a key influencer in my life :)


  1. I still thank you for my ELO CD's :O) Influence back then doesnt count, does it?

    P.S. always listen to that "key influencer in your life."

  2. I agree, music definitely influences your thought life. Plus, I also love how music expresses worship so effectively that sometimes the lyrics to a worship song can express how I feel so much better than I ever could.
