Continuing on from my previous post- I find it fascinating the decision to draw close to God despite the obvious acknowledgement of unworthiness.
David returned to God.
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Similar story with Jonah, who recognized his despair.
To the roots of the mountains I sank down;
the earth beneath barred me in forever.
But you, Lord my God,
brought my life up from the pit.
Gideon got to see God's provision, despite initial hesitation.
Thus Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again. During Gideon’s lifetime, the land had peace forty years.
Lately I have been thinking about the decisions people, and myself, make. How the results of decisions are very consistent with the values of which they are made. What's the rock of my decision making, and how could it be better? (decisions can always be better) How am I improving others with my decisions, or is it just about how I can benefit? The decisions David, Jonah, Gideon, and many other biblical people make, all have that interesting turning point from self-service decision making, to God praising/glorifying decision making. From that comes the benefit of others, and the fulfillment of the role He has made me for.
Important end-note: God honoring people help with this particular goal ;) and He has blessed me with what I need!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Consistency (As We Do Today) Part 1
I've had a hard time thinking about things to write lately! Lately I have dived into the spoken language much more then the written. Which is odd considering I used to be a much bigger fan of the latter....
In anycase, it came to me during men's bible study a topic to write on that I am pretty on fire about, consistency. Pretending that I have blogged more then once in the last 2 months, I love seeing consistency in a few things.
One thing I love and purposefully seek out in people is a mindset. How do they decide how to do things? Why do they feel that is the best method to go about this decision? You'd be surprised how much you can learn from others...I find it interesting how a person will come upon multiple situations in life and yet tend to make very similar choices. Usually the decision is based off past experience. If none exists, moral/ethical/belief system. (or even a mix between the two) and if that doesn't exist, emotion or a logical prediction of an outcome based on what has been witnessed in life thus far. (<--which is very variable if you think about it) Possibly a few others that don't immediately come to mind.
I guess what I'm saying is the consistency in what I have witnessed in this area is that there's always a rock. A deciding factor, or a basis for decisions. Always. And from what I have noticed, that basis will determine how a life is lived. People will tend to face very similar situations, and react very differently. It makes me question how I make decisions.
Something I find interesting while going through the old testament lately is that the people then and the people now are very consistent in at least one area that sticks out to me. People can choose to be with God and they can choose not to, and that one decision will affect every other one a person makes- directly or indirectly.
If I pay attention, I notice consistent theme's in God's word. One of the ones that have jumped out to me lately, (with the help of my awesome wife!) is how people in the old testament have the exact same decision to make as we do today! They knew, (as do we) what is was that was required to be considered "good enough" for God. They also knew, as we do today, that nobody met the requirements.
Sadly, for people then and now- the decision tree stops there. Too many people I know today don't consider themselves good enough, without even seeing the beauty of that very realization being step one. Just the slightest bit of more digging would beg (what I hope anyway) a very revealing question- How is it that if nobody in the bible was good enough for God, (Christ excluded) there are a number of people "after God's own heart?" Clearly it must be because those particular people were indeed good enough...Right?
2 Samuel 11:26-27
When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. After the time of mourning was over, David had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.
Back story- King David (that is, KING of GOD's people) basically impregnates a woman, then arranges an army's battle plan so that her husband (woops- married.) goes first, and dies. Shady.
Jonah (not even kidding you- favorite book/story in the bible) God calls this dude directly!
The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”
Instead, Jonah pulls what could quite possibly be the most notorious "peace out" ever recorded.
But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.
We just recently went over the story of Gideon at our church. Fascinating really. Maybe not as well known as the previous two. This is a guy that God calls to lead an army of Israel out of oppression. Except Gideon cites...
“Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”
To which God responds...
The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites (oppressors), leaving none alive.”
Hmm- this is getting a little long..Stay Tuned for Part 2!
In anycase, it came to me during men's bible study a topic to write on that I am pretty on fire about, consistency. Pretending that I have blogged more then once in the last 2 months, I love seeing consistency in a few things.
One thing I love and purposefully seek out in people is a mindset. How do they decide how to do things? Why do they feel that is the best method to go about this decision? You'd be surprised how much you can learn from others...I find it interesting how a person will come upon multiple situations in life and yet tend to make very similar choices. Usually the decision is based off past experience. If none exists, moral/ethical/belief system. (or even a mix between the two) and if that doesn't exist, emotion or a logical prediction of an outcome based on what has been witnessed in life thus far. (<--which is very variable if you think about it) Possibly a few others that don't immediately come to mind.
I guess what I'm saying is the consistency in what I have witnessed in this area is that there's always a rock. A deciding factor, or a basis for decisions. Always. And from what I have noticed, that basis will determine how a life is lived. People will tend to face very similar situations, and react very differently. It makes me question how I make decisions.
Something I find interesting while going through the old testament lately is that the people then and the people now are very consistent in at least one area that sticks out to me. People can choose to be with God and they can choose not to, and that one decision will affect every other one a person makes- directly or indirectly.
If I pay attention, I notice consistent theme's in God's word. One of the ones that have jumped out to me lately, (with the help of my awesome wife!) is how people in the old testament have the exact same decision to make as we do today! They knew, (as do we) what is was that was required to be considered "good enough" for God. They also knew, as we do today, that nobody met the requirements.
Sadly, for people then and now- the decision tree stops there. Too many people I know today don't consider themselves good enough, without even seeing the beauty of that very realization being step one. Just the slightest bit of more digging would beg (what I hope anyway) a very revealing question- How is it that if nobody in the bible was good enough for God, (Christ excluded) there are a number of people "after God's own heart?" Clearly it must be because those particular people were indeed good enough...Right?
2 Samuel 11:26-27
When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. After the time of mourning was over, David had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.
Back story- King David (that is, KING of GOD's people) basically impregnates a woman, then arranges an army's battle plan so that her husband (woops- married.) goes first, and dies. Shady.
Jonah (not even kidding you- favorite book/story in the bible) God calls this dude directly!
The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”
Instead, Jonah pulls what could quite possibly be the most notorious "peace out" ever recorded.
But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.
We just recently went over the story of Gideon at our church. Fascinating really. Maybe not as well known as the previous two. This is a guy that God calls to lead an army of Israel out of oppression. Except Gideon cites...
“Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”
To which God responds...
The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites (oppressors), leaving none alive.”
Hmm- this is getting a little long..Stay Tuned for Part 2!
Monday, October 24, 2011
This Is It!
This is what I have been brought back to Hampton Roads for.
A sequence of events would probably help.
Called away from comfort/familiarity. Almost 2 years ago from today God called me out of Northern Virginia. Devastated at the time as I was hoping that would be the area He called me to permanently. As I was called from everything I knew and loved, (back to a place I knew and hated) Jeremiah 29:11 was the only reasonable explanation to what was happening- even though at the time I had no idea...For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
God provides for Jen to be able to come down and join me. Crazy at the time. we weren't even engaged and yet she trusts God telling her to move, and me not up and deciding we weren't going to work out. A bold move on her part. But God provided for a job and place to live. A slight inclination/confirmation we are indeed supposed to be in the Hampton Roads area, but as for what exactly we weren't sure yet. But we were taught that resources (something we as people hold so tightly to, plan, schedule, and stress how to make them provide for us) are literally limitless to God; and He gives according to His will. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Allows a role in work that I actually enjoy. Rough transition, but about a year and a half into it I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Work I want to do, and not work I feel like I need to do in order to make money. (<-- big difference) Without even realizing it, God knew that if I stayed in my current position as an outside plant fiber tech, I would have hated it and it would have adverse effects on me as a person. Doing something you hate indefinitely is a horrible idea...I'm sure an example can be found in your life (it can in mine) of what that eventually leads to. How can you work like Colossians 3:23 tells you to without being designed for the task at hand? Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Provides a church home. Not gonna lie, when first approaching the idea of finding a church down here I was so skeptical that I already resigned to the idea that we will just have to find one good enough or close enough to what we believe, because that's all that existed. Foolishly forgetting that if God called us to the area, then why would he not provide a church home?! Foolishly believing that facts and trends dictate truth, and not the other way around. He not only provided the perfect church home (Crossroads Norfolk) He actually provided two. The first one wasn't exactly for us per say, but through it we found Crossroads, and God is definitely moving in that church in exciting ways. I continue to keep tabs on what's happening in it and am encouraged by what I see! They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
Provided relationships of impact, challenge, and life change for His kingdom. I'll never forget my final bible study with the guys at Chris's place. It was sad. I didn't want to go! But I remember when prayer requests came around to me I mentioned that I felt God called me to Northern VA not permanently, but to change and equip me for what I was leaving to do. I had no clue what it was at the time, but the amount of change I had undergone wasn't so I could just be a better person, but so that I had the tools and boldness to do His work where He wanted me to do it. Which is here, in hampton roads, for now. Just this past weekend we got to fellowship with 2 amazing couples who have already impacted us more then they probably know, and hopefully us them.
How easy it is to look at our situation and contribute it to a random sequence of happenstance, coincidence, and fortune....Except God isn't a God of distance. But rather a personal God who draws close to those who draw close to Him....(James 4:8) Despite my MANY Flaws.
A sequence of events would probably help.
Called away from comfort/familiarity. Almost 2 years ago from today God called me out of Northern Virginia. Devastated at the time as I was hoping that would be the area He called me to permanently. As I was called from everything I knew and loved, (back to a place I knew and hated) Jeremiah 29:11 was the only reasonable explanation to what was happening- even though at the time I had no idea...For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
God provides for Jen to be able to come down and join me. Crazy at the time. we weren't even engaged and yet she trusts God telling her to move, and me not up and deciding we weren't going to work out. A bold move on her part. But God provided for a job and place to live. A slight inclination/confirmation we are indeed supposed to be in the Hampton Roads area, but as for what exactly we weren't sure yet. But we were taught that resources (something we as people hold so tightly to, plan, schedule, and stress how to make them provide for us) are literally limitless to God; and He gives according to His will. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Allows a role in work that I actually enjoy. Rough transition, but about a year and a half into it I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Work I want to do, and not work I feel like I need to do in order to make money. (<-- big difference) Without even realizing it, God knew that if I stayed in my current position as an outside plant fiber tech, I would have hated it and it would have adverse effects on me as a person. Doing something you hate indefinitely is a horrible idea...I'm sure an example can be found in your life (it can in mine) of what that eventually leads to. How can you work like Colossians 3:23 tells you to without being designed for the task at hand? Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Provides a church home. Not gonna lie, when first approaching the idea of finding a church down here I was so skeptical that I already resigned to the idea that we will just have to find one good enough or close enough to what we believe, because that's all that existed. Foolishly forgetting that if God called us to the area, then why would he not provide a church home?! Foolishly believing that facts and trends dictate truth, and not the other way around. He not only provided the perfect church home (Crossroads Norfolk) He actually provided two. The first one wasn't exactly for us per say, but through it we found Crossroads, and God is definitely moving in that church in exciting ways. I continue to keep tabs on what's happening in it and am encouraged by what I see! They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
Provided relationships of impact, challenge, and life change for His kingdom. I'll never forget my final bible study with the guys at Chris's place. It was sad. I didn't want to go! But I remember when prayer requests came around to me I mentioned that I felt God called me to Northern VA not permanently, but to change and equip me for what I was leaving to do. I had no clue what it was at the time, but the amount of change I had undergone wasn't so I could just be a better person, but so that I had the tools and boldness to do His work where He wanted me to do it. Which is here, in hampton roads, for now. Just this past weekend we got to fellowship with 2 amazing couples who have already impacted us more then they probably know, and hopefully us them.
How easy it is to look at our situation and contribute it to a random sequence of happenstance, coincidence, and fortune....Except God isn't a God of distance. But rather a personal God who draws close to those who draw close to Him....(James 4:8) Despite my MANY Flaws.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Because There's More to Life Then Being Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking
This past weekend I had the chance to volunteer at a 200 mile run relay race called Ragnar.
Ragnar is a relay race done all over the country. This particular race was held from Cumberland Maryland, to National Harbor, DC. Me, Jen, and Seth Klein volunteered for our friends who were running in the race.
Quick rundown of Ragnar- teams of 12 people taking turns running over a 24+ hour time period to reach the finish line 200 miles away. Intense yes? A lot of our close friends signed up together and have been training since spring to accomplish this task. 284 teams participated. Our friend's team name was "Blue Steel Projekt."
First off, we got the BEST volunteer position in my opinion. It's a position that if I were in any other, I would look at and wish I was doing. We got to welcome the runners across this finish line and hand out medals/water!
Man, that was an awesome role to play. A first hand look at the faces of accomplishment. It inspired me to want to do it SO bad. (I haven't ruled it out yet)
Sadly, our shift did not last until our friends crossed. But we did get to talk to them and hang out a bit before they did "officially cross" the finish line. Teams are in a back stage sort of area shortly before the finish line waiting for the last runner to finish their leg. Back there I saw some interesting things..
1. One team carried one of their injured runners across with them. I don't know if she ran and got injured on the run or what, but I thought that was pretty cool.
2. Some teams just didn't care at all when they crossed the finish line. I mean, I get having no feeling after a 24+ hour run with "sleep" stops scheduled in- but why would you not celebrate? How could you not be moved to express some sort of celebratory emotion? Is this just another event in their running career? If I am on a team- that's mandatory. We aren't crossing (no matter how tired we are, or how much our relationships were destroyed in the process...hehe) without passionate screaming, waving, and giving sweaty hugs to strangers.
On the contrary- Blue Steel Projekt
I got to talk to them before they crossed and heard amazing stories of accomplishment, craziness, and inspiration. awesome to hear how God worked through their entire process. I wish I got a photo of kruz's (barefoot guy) "speed suit" beforehand....epic.
It reminded a lesson Nova taught me along time ago. Runners are crazy. Not just the type of people who say out there things every once in a while crazy, no, a special kind of crazy that involves stories that belong in books and on blogs crazy.
Between starting this blog and finishing it I agreed to run a 5k for Breast Cancer October 15th...No 200 miles BUT- still excited. It will be my first official run.
Edit: This pretty much rounds up my point of runners entirely...(courtesy of Beth Sweatman!)
Ragnar is a relay race done all over the country. This particular race was held from Cumberland Maryland, to National Harbor, DC. Me, Jen, and Seth Klein volunteered for our friends who were running in the race.
Quick rundown of Ragnar- teams of 12 people taking turns running over a 24+ hour time period to reach the finish line 200 miles away. Intense yes? A lot of our close friends signed up together and have been training since spring to accomplish this task. 284 teams participated. Our friend's team name was "Blue Steel Projekt."
First off, we got the BEST volunteer position in my opinion. It's a position that if I were in any other, I would look at and wish I was doing. We got to welcome the runners across this finish line and hand out medals/water!
Man, that was an awesome role to play. A first hand look at the faces of accomplishment. It inspired me to want to do it SO bad. (I haven't ruled it out yet)
Sadly, our shift did not last until our friends crossed. But we did get to talk to them and hang out a bit before they did "officially cross" the finish line. Teams are in a back stage sort of area shortly before the finish line waiting for the last runner to finish their leg. Back there I saw some interesting things..
1. One team carried one of their injured runners across with them. I don't know if she ran and got injured on the run or what, but I thought that was pretty cool.
2. Some teams just didn't care at all when they crossed the finish line. I mean, I get having no feeling after a 24+ hour run with "sleep" stops scheduled in- but why would you not celebrate? How could you not be moved to express some sort of celebratory emotion? Is this just another event in their running career? If I am on a team- that's mandatory. We aren't crossing (no matter how tired we are, or how much our relationships were destroyed in the process...hehe) without passionate screaming, waving, and giving sweaty hugs to strangers.
On the contrary- Blue Steel Projekt
I got to talk to them before they crossed and heard amazing stories of accomplishment, craziness, and inspiration. awesome to hear how God worked through their entire process. I wish I got a photo of kruz's (barefoot guy) "speed suit" beforehand....epic.
It reminded a lesson Nova taught me along time ago. Runners are crazy. Not just the type of people who say out there things every once in a while crazy, no, a special kind of crazy that involves stories that belong in books and on blogs crazy.
Between starting this blog and finishing it I agreed to run a 5k for Breast Cancer October 15th...No 200 miles BUT- still excited. It will be my first official run.
Edit: This pretty much rounds up my point of runners entirely...(courtesy of Beth Sweatman!)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Life Lately- Boldness And A Passion Pursued.
-Soul Surfer is a fantastic movie. Carrie Underwood is a great singer. Unfortunately, someone decided to combine the two to create that which would later result in the executive decision to have her go from speaking roles in the first part of the film, to significantly looking at things in the latter. Still a great movie though and worth a watch.
-I have recently been in a lesson about boldness from God. I think the point is- what I would miss in life if I didn't take certain steps (sometimes out of shear terror)...for instance...
-Watched the season premier of survivor the other night. Ever wonder how you would socially react on that show? I do. A few seasons back there was a guy who was really interesting socially. He lied, cheated, stole, and promised a lot of people he would take them to the end.(where your fellow survivors get to vote if you win or not) He actually did make it to the end twice (no easy task) only to be shot down by voters who saw him for who he truly was. His claim to the money was that he played the game so well he deserved it, but in the end, non of the jury voted for him because of his character. I find that fascinating.
-I have recently been in a lesson about boldness from God. I think the point is- what I would miss in life if I didn't take certain steps (sometimes out of shear terror)...for instance...
- I would never have met my wife. In fact, I constantly tell her I bet some alternate version of myself is out there somewhere watching my life and kicking himself for never asking her out as he scores his 160th Fantasy Football victory in a row. Awesome? Yes. Guinness worthy? Maybe. Worth it? Absolutely not. He knows and weeps this fact.
- I never would have experienced the moment of practicing God of This City with the lead guitarist from Crossroads, to then have the drummer unexpectedly add a beat to our session mid-song. Indescribable, and electrifying really.
- I wouldn't get to know people. Hear their stories, and learn from their experiences.
-Watched the season premier of survivor the other night. Ever wonder how you would socially react on that show? I do. A few seasons back there was a guy who was really interesting socially. He lied, cheated, stole, and promised a lot of people he would take them to the end.(where your fellow survivors get to vote if you win or not) He actually did make it to the end twice (no easy task) only to be shot down by voters who saw him for who he truly was. His claim to the money was that he played the game so well he deserved it, but in the end, non of the jury voted for him because of his character. I find that fascinating.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Hurricanes And Life Change
I do love a good storm. We were just hit by a decent one this past weekend. Hurricane Irene. Our area (Suffolk) wasn't hit too badly thankfully. Some areas were hit worse then others. (Yep...that's a tunnel cars are supposed to drive through)
For the most part power is back in our area with a few spots still without. Some people are complaining about how over-hyped the hurricane was and in some areas that's true. I don't think the peninsula was hit too bad. Out west (Williamsburg and New Kent County) was the hardest hit of the areas.
In non-hurricane news, God has opened the door a little to my pursuit at Crossroads. I'm both shocked and amazed that it's actually going forward, but not guaranteed as of yet. Basically, I am looking to be one of the church's keyboard players; a role that for years the many voices from within have reaffirmed a suspicion that I am probably not good enough. My most significant and life-changing role's in the church have always been tied to the praise and worship section of it.
The funny thing about that voice of condemnation is that it subtly suggests I'm not good enough. Quietly whispering right along side my own self-doubts. that is, until I pursue. Then the voice screams I'm not good enough. Directly contrary to 2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
In the process of the pursuit one of the things I had to tell myself was that the outcome of it is completely in God's control, not mine. If He wants me in this role I'll be there, or in another more suited to further His kingdom. As of now God has given the go-ahead, which is AWESOME because I have felt passionate about praise and worship for quite some time.
We will see where it goes!
I do love a good storm. We were just hit by a decent one this past weekend. Hurricane Irene. Our area (Suffolk) wasn't hit too badly thankfully. Some areas were hit worse then others. (Yep...that's a tunnel cars are supposed to drive through)
For the most part power is back in our area with a few spots still without. Some people are complaining about how over-hyped the hurricane was and in some areas that's true. I don't think the peninsula was hit too bad. Out west (Williamsburg and New Kent County) was the hardest hit of the areas.
In non-hurricane news, God has opened the door a little to my pursuit at Crossroads. I'm both shocked and amazed that it's actually going forward, but not guaranteed as of yet. Basically, I am looking to be one of the church's keyboard players; a role that for years the many voices from within have reaffirmed a suspicion that I am probably not good enough. My most significant and life-changing role's in the church have always been tied to the praise and worship section of it.
The funny thing about that voice of condemnation is that it subtly suggests I'm not good enough. Quietly whispering right along side my own self-doubts. that is, until I pursue. Then the voice screams I'm not good enough. Directly contrary to 2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
In the process of the pursuit one of the things I had to tell myself was that the outcome of it is completely in God's control, not mine. If He wants me in this role I'll be there, or in another more suited to further His kingdom. As of now God has given the go-ahead, which is AWESOME because I have felt passionate about praise and worship for quite some time.
We will see where it goes!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Day 16 - A Song That You Used to Love but Now Hate
I don't hate this song so much as it has been filtered out of my song collection.
Without Me by Eminem.
Continuing the song challenge- I used to be a massive Eminem Fan. Why? Great question, not really sure. While talented at the construction of words in songs, most of his put you in a bad place mentally.
I think that's a point about music that a lot of people don't realize. What I listen to can and will dictate my thought life. This point reminds me of a quote from Mike Kelsey.....(Pastor at McLean Bible)
"They are a people who go astray in their heart." (Psalm 95:10) pay attention to your heart (thoughts, desires, affections) not just your behavior.
My music affects this greatly. What I once considered no big deal, God revealed that what I listen to is actually a very big deal.
Without Me by Eminem.
Continuing the song challenge- I used to be a massive Eminem Fan. Why? Great question, not really sure. While talented at the construction of words in songs, most of his put you in a bad place mentally.
I think that's a point about music that a lot of people don't realize. What I listen to can and will dictate my thought life. This point reminds me of a quote from Mike Kelsey.....(Pastor at McLean Bible)
"They are a people who go astray in their heart." (Psalm 95:10) pay attention to your heart (thoughts, desires, affections) not just your behavior.
My music affects this greatly. What I once considered no big deal, God revealed that what I listen to is actually a very big deal.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Lately life has been ridiculous and (like I always tend to do in these seasons) I ignore all things social networking/blogging....Sigh. Anyway,
-We finally closed and moved into our house. Wow, God has SERIOUSLY blessed us with this place. Everything is perfect (or darn near as such) and the process was (for the most part) Very smooth.
-We had some awesome help moving Saturday. Much thanks goes to my co-worker Jonathan, Mike, and my sister Christina.
-The same day we closed we also adopted a cat. Now, I like unique names, and wanted to somehow tie the getting of a cat with the purchase of a home. I was going to go with a really obscure legal term. "Alonge" and "Escrow" were my candidates, Jen was not a fan though (Escrow almost made it) and we settled on Oreo. Rest assured if this cat was'd be getting the name alonge :)
-We and some good friends from NoVa are driving to Alabama this weekend for Nick and Hannah's Wedding. This guy has instituted alot of life change in me, and I couldn't be more excited to see him and Hannah (finally) get married ;)
-Work is going very well. I'm growing and passionate about my position! God has blessed me with the tolerance (?) for the stuff I do (admin work plus other things) The more I dive into my position the more I see how some people just flat out hate this work. I don't though.
-Speaking of passion, I feel a particular calling to a role in my new church. I'm not sure if I am even qualified (I'm guessing but just picturing myself in this role gives me a renewed passion in serving. I hope God (and the church itself) answer yes. I have pursued similar areas of service in the music department in churches past and they said no. We shall see...:)
-We finally closed and moved into our house. Wow, God has SERIOUSLY blessed us with this place. Everything is perfect (or darn near as such) and the process was (for the most part) Very smooth.
-We had some awesome help moving Saturday. Much thanks goes to my co-worker Jonathan, Mike, and my sister Christina.
-The same day we closed we also adopted a cat. Now, I like unique names, and wanted to somehow tie the getting of a cat with the purchase of a home. I was going to go with a really obscure legal term. "Alonge" and "Escrow" were my candidates, Jen was not a fan though (Escrow almost made it) and we settled on Oreo. Rest assured if this cat was'd be getting the name alonge :)
-Work is going very well. I'm growing and passionate about my position! God has blessed me with the tolerance (?) for the stuff I do (admin work plus other things) The more I dive into my position the more I see how some people just flat out hate this work. I don't though.
-Speaking of passion, I feel a particular calling to a role in my new church. I'm not sure if I am even qualified (I'm guessing but just picturing myself in this role gives me a renewed passion in serving. I hope God (and the church itself) answer yes. I have pursued similar areas of service in the music department in churches past and they said no. We shall see...:)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 15 - A Song That Describes You
Thankfulness is a hard thing for me. Not because I don't have much to be thankful for, but because I am not naturally inclined to it.
However, I feel it is such an important part of life. To be thankful for what I have, and thankful to Christ for what He has given me.
Which has lead me to... Lucky Man by Montgomery gentry
After browsing my country music library (because clearly, there is no other option) I decided on this one. A pretty good description of thankfulness in my opinion. It reminds me that thankfulness is a requirement in my life. Because the alternative is comparing myself to others and always wanting.
However, I feel it is such an important part of life. To be thankful for what I have, and thankful to Christ for what He has given me.
Which has lead me to... Lucky Man by Montgomery gentry
After browsing my country music library (because clearly, there is no other option) I decided on this one. A pretty good description of thankfulness in my opinion. It reminds me that thankfulness is a requirement in my life. Because the alternative is comparing myself to others and always wanting.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
So I have been working my way through the Harry Potter films in order to watch the new and final film in the series with Jen(<----massive fan). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
When this series first came out, I honestly could care less about Harry Potter. Not his hallows of death, his fiery goblet, or his secret chamber. But being on the fourth film now, I can say it really is a pretty good story.
There are a few interesting things I have noticed so far...
-The original actor for Dumbledore (guy in first two films) is far superior to his replacement. Carrying with him an air of authority, calmness, and wisdom. I assume he was chosen because he was the closest representation to the book's character. (I have not read the books) Sadly, he died shortly before the second film in the series released. The new actor (or atleast new to me) is very different.
-I am told they switched directors after the second film as well. Guess that explains why alot of scenes look like they were shot at night. During Halloween.
-I like how some people are portrayed to be evil and are not. (I think my favorite character is professor Snape) and some people are portrayed to be good and are not. Except when it comes to the main villian- I mean clearly- Evil.
It made me think- Wouldn't it be nice if evil was so clearly identified? How great would it be that when (not if) evil did attack us, it did so with yellow snake eyes and an evil hiss in it's voice, that no matter what it said you knew it had your demise as a goal?
2 Corinthians 11:13-14
For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Evil is smarter then to let itself be known with clear marks and signs. Infact, it is the exact opposite of that. I have known in my life that evil more disguises itself to the likings of my heart...
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
(Notice the different font? Last time I switch browsers mid-way through)
I have noticed a sad lack of questioning in the world around me. Myself included at times- Why am I doing what I am doing? Because I feel like it? I can attest to the fact that "because I feel like" often leads me to areas in life I would rather not be.
Thankfully- We have a tool to recognize evil; the bible. Without an active relationship with God, I am setting myself up to be deceived by evil.
- It's ok to say that about someone. It rouses a quick laugh and nobody will remember.
- I can listen to that particular song and have it not affect my mind set.
- I don't have to do anything in my marriage- my wife will love me no matter what. (which is true, but is that really the mindset of a successful marriage?)
- Exercise is not important.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21)
I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever. (Psalm 44:6-8)
For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory. (Deuteronomy 20:4)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day 14 - A Song That No One Would Expect You To Love
V (For Extreme) by DJ Taka
While a dying art of mine, I have a shameful obsession with DDR. (or any music game really)
This is one of the songs I can still barely get through on heavy (sometimes) But I actually really enjoy it on its own. Which is a hit or miss situation with me and DDR music.
While a dying art of mine, I have a shameful obsession with DDR. (or any music game really)
This is one of the songs I can still barely get through on heavy (sometimes) But I actually really enjoy it on its own. Which is a hit or miss situation with me and DDR music.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Day 13 - A Song That Is a Guilty Pleasure
Beat It By Fallout Out Boy
Why a guilty pleasure? Because apparently covering Michael Jackson songs is considered the most heinous of blasphemies punishable by having your entire ipod replaced with every 80's hit that ever had a synthesizer solo. Harsh indeed, but I am willing to risk this because frankly- I like Michael Jackson covers better then the actual songs. There, I said it.
Excuse me while I go fight off a mob of angry European club goers.
Why a guilty pleasure? Because apparently covering Michael Jackson songs is considered the most heinous of blasphemies punishable by having your entire ipod replaced with every 80's hit that ever had a synthesizer solo. Harsh indeed, but I am willing to risk this because frankly- I like Michael Jackson covers better then the actual songs. There, I said it.
Excuse me while I go fight off a mob of angry European club goers.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Day 12 - A Song From A Band You Hate
This is a hard one- which band do I like the least?....
It's hard to pull resources on this one. What definitely makes me a horribler person is I start going through my friends like- got it!
Born This Way by Lady Gaga.
Her songs are admittedly catchy, but the lyrics/meanings don't do it for me.
It's hard to pull resources on this one. What definitely makes me a horribler person is I start going through my friends like- got it!
Born This Way by Lady Gaga.
Her songs are admittedly catchy, but the lyrics/meanings don't do it for me.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Day 11 - A Song From Your Favorite Band
MAYBE I should have done a little research into what the next day's challenge would be yesterday...Nonetheless!
Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care by Relient K
I love the randomness of this band, while at the same time delivering a great message in alot of their songs. I think I have seen them the most live too. Some of their antics have included...
-Busted out an ELECTRIC BANJO for the song "Which To Bury, Us Or The Hatchet." (every time and I LOVE it)
-Covered The Office theme
-Randomly inflated blow-up Christmas decorations during one of their songs
-devoted an entire tour around a band members birthday
I'm very attracted to the style of music (pop-punk) as well. I have tried learning many of their songs on piano and guitar. Just bought their new cover album in fact...I like it.
Close contenders-
Trace Adkins
Zac Brown Band
Ok I'll stop now...
Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care by Relient K
I love the randomness of this band, while at the same time delivering a great message in alot of their songs. I think I have seen them the most live too. Some of their antics have included...
-Busted out an ELECTRIC BANJO for the song "Which To Bury, Us Or The Hatchet." (every time and I LOVE it)
-Covered The Office theme
-Randomly inflated blow-up Christmas decorations during one of their songs
-devoted an entire tour around a band members birthday
I'm very attracted to the style of music (pop-punk) as well. I have tried learning many of their songs on piano and guitar. Just bought their new cover album in fact...I like it.
Close contenders-
Trace Adkins
Zac Brown Band
Ok I'll stop now...
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day 10 - A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep
This song definitely has that "dream" feel to it but the message is so amazing!
When I Go Down By Relient K
You give me hope, and hope it gives me life
You touch my heavy heart, and when you do you make it light
As I exhale I hear your voice
And I answer you, though I hardly make a noise
And from my lips the words I choose to say
Seem pathetic, but it's fallen man's praise
Because I love you
Oh God, I love you
And life is now worth living
If only because of you
And when they say that I am dead and gone
It won't be further from the truth
It reminds me so many times of not only what I see in the world around me, but myself as well. A brokenness that every person comes to in life at some point, and a hope that is offered in that place. A hope from a God who's heart is an immeasurable amount of broken for you.
When I go down
I lift my eyes to you
I won't look very far
Cause you'll be there
With open arms
To lift me up again
To lift me up again
When I Go Down By Relient K
You give me hope, and hope it gives me life
You touch my heavy heart, and when you do you make it light
As I exhale I hear your voice
And I answer you, though I hardly make a noise
And from my lips the words I choose to say
Seem pathetic, but it's fallen man's praise
Because I love you
Oh God, I love you
And life is now worth living
If only because of you
And when they say that I am dead and gone
It won't be further from the truth
It reminds me so many times of not only what I see in the world around me, but myself as well. A brokenness that every person comes to in life at some point, and a hope that is offered in that place. A hope from a God who's heart is an immeasurable amount of broken for you.
When I go down
I lift my eyes to you
I won't look very far
Cause you'll be there
With open arms
To lift me up again
To lift me up again
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 09 - A Song That You "Can" Dance to
Define "can."
I define it as simply attempting.
This was part of a multi-small group scavenger hunt. (just now noticing that Pete is in all my dancing videos...hmmm also, part 2 of the video is chugging a 20oz soda in less then a minute, part 3 is getting a stranger to serenade you)
For whatever ever reason I felt that the robot should never end. (?) Again....define can. :)
The song i guess would have to be Whoop There It Is by Tag Team
I define it as simply attempting.
This was part of a multi-small group scavenger hunt. (just now noticing that Pete is in all my dancing videos...hmmm also, part 2 of the video is chugging a 20oz soda in less then a minute, part 3 is getting a stranger to serenade you)
For whatever ever reason I felt that the robot should never end. (?) Again....define can. :)
The song i guess would have to be Whoop There It Is by Tag Team
Monday, June 27, 2011
Day 08 - A Song That You Know All The Words To
Reaching back into my Karaoke experiences- (heh...) I decided to go with...
Walking In Memphis by Marc Cohn
I love this song. Sung it a few times in Karaoke, and can play the initial piano part.
There are many video's of my karaoke outings. Thankfully through a mix of bribes, threats, and promises to the right to name our first born child (sorry future Zelophehad) The interwebs have been spared of such monstrosities. I really couldn't think of a more fitting description/word to describe it either.
2. Something that is outrageously or offensively wrong. (google it!)
In any case, I do love that song. One of few I love enough to learn how to (somewhat) play.
Walking In Memphis by Marc Cohn
I love this song. Sung it a few times in Karaoke, and can play the initial piano part.
There are many video's of my karaoke outings. Thankfully through a mix of bribes, threats, and promises to the right to name our first born child (sorry future Zelophehad) The interwebs have been spared of such monstrosities. I really couldn't think of a more fitting description/word to describe it either.
2. Something that is outrageously or offensively wrong. (google it!)
In any case, I do love that song. One of few I love enough to learn how to (somewhat) play.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Day 07 - A Song That Reminds You of A Certain Event
Return by Needtobreathe
I will never forget this concert. It was my first christian concert and to shamefully admit, I didn't care about any of the artists initially.
The concert was Awakening Fest September 13th 2008 at Bull Run Park. Newsboys headlined, Matthew West was there, Skillet too. If I could go back in time I would give myself a pretty serious slap upside the cranium for not sticking around for Newsboys or Matthew West. 2008 version of me= LAME.
The reason I went to this concert was because I was invited by friends.(OHH YEAH- and I was also trying to capture the heart of a certain female companion...woo'd she was not.) It took a little research, but I finally found a lineup for that day- def kicking myself for not caring.
Interestingly enough Needtobreathe wasn't on any lineup that I found. But I will never forget when they got on stage to play. There was no introduction. Just a guy who came out in a suit, sat down at a piano, and started playing this song.
After hearing their set I immediately bought their album. It was just as amazing as their live preformance. The album is called The Heat and still is one of my favorites to this day. Rarely is there an album that I like almost every song on it- This is one of them.
I will never forget this concert. It was my first christian concert and to shamefully admit, I didn't care about any of the artists initially.
The concert was Awakening Fest September 13th 2008 at Bull Run Park. Newsboys headlined, Matthew West was there, Skillet too. If I could go back in time I would give myself a pretty serious slap upside the cranium for not sticking around for Newsboys or Matthew West. 2008 version of me= LAME.
The reason I went to this concert was because I was invited by friends.(OHH YEAH- and I was also trying to capture the heart of a certain female companion...woo'd she was not.) It took a little research, but I finally found a lineup for that day- def kicking myself for not caring.
Interestingly enough Needtobreathe wasn't on any lineup that I found. But I will never forget when they got on stage to play. There was no introduction. Just a guy who came out in a suit, sat down at a piano, and started playing this song.
After hearing their set I immediately bought their album. It was just as amazing as their live preformance. The album is called The Heat and still is one of my favorites to this day. Rarely is there an album that I like almost every song on it- This is one of them.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day 06 - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere
This one was admittedly difficult and forced me to look through my library.
I very easily made the decision The Authority Song by Jimmy Eat World after coming across it.
I discovered this song during wrap-up one night on the production team of The Gathering. I guess everytime I hear it my mind goes back to my "college" days (I did not attend GMU but have been told I was on the campus more then some
More of what the song reminds me of then what it actually means, it brings me back to the time where I (along with the many passionate students of GMU) put our heart into making Christ's name famous on that campus. GMU is a place that will always strike some sort of fire within me.
I have to be careful to not give the impression I actually attended this college...I did not. But like a family of Christ, many of the students accepted me as one of their own.
Whenever I hear this song in the future, it will always remind me of the drastic way God intervened in my life- and who He did it through.
I very easily made the decision The Authority Song by Jimmy Eat World after coming across it.
I discovered this song during wrap-up one night on the production team of The Gathering. I guess everytime I hear it my mind goes back to my "college" days (I did not attend GMU but have been told I was on the campus more then some
More of what the song reminds me of then what it actually means, it brings me back to the time where I (along with the many passionate students of GMU) put our heart into making Christ's name famous on that campus. GMU is a place that will always strike some sort of fire within me.
I have to be careful to not give the impression I actually attended this college...I did not. But like a family of Christ, many of the students accepted me as one of their own.
Whenever I hear this song in the future, it will always remind me of the drastic way God intervened in my life- and who He did it through.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Day 05 - A Song That Reminds You of Someone
This song reminds me of my beautiful wife Jen...:) Whatever It Is by Zac brown Band.
She has been the biggest blessing a man could ask for. Infact, when I tell other guys how awesome she is- they not only agree, but then challenge me to a 18th century style sword duel in order to take her hand in marriage. The following closely resembles these encounters.
She has been the biggest blessing a man could ask for. Infact, when I tell other guys how awesome she is- they not only agree, but then challenge me to a 18th century style sword duel in order to take her hand in marriage. The following closely resembles these encounters.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 04 - A Song That Makes You Sad
This is probably going to sound odd, but I love a really sad song. There is something deep about sadness in a song that sticks with me. I have tagged to download/buy many a sad song.
Today's choice is- Arlington by Trace Adkins
I love Trace Adkins (especially recently) specifically for lyrical talent. (and he puts on a pretty good show live!)
This song reminds me of what it costs to some for me to be able to enjoy life in this great country, and how well that parallels with what Christ did for me. Both of which died for me to be free. Over the 200+ years we have been a country, countless men have decided their life is worth the freedom America represents.
I truly believe God gives a special kind of attention to the soldiers who sacrificed their life for people they don't even know.
If I had to use one word for this song it would be sacrifice.
Today's choice is- Arlington by Trace Adkins
I love Trace Adkins (especially recently) specifically for lyrical talent. (and he puts on a pretty good show live!)
This song reminds me of what it costs to some for me to be able to enjoy life in this great country, and how well that parallels with what Christ did for me. Both of which died for me to be free. Over the 200+ years we have been a country, countless men have decided their life is worth the freedom America represents.
I truly believe God gives a special kind of attention to the soldiers who sacrificed their life for people they don't even know.
If I had to use one word for this song it would be sacrifice.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 03 - A Song That Makes You Happy
The Legend of Quilting Day by Holiday Hipsters
If you have the slightest interest in being entertained, click play in their playlist :)
A band formed (but no longer active?) by a few guys from my former church.
If you have the slightest interest in being entertained, click play in their playlist :)
A band formed (but no longer active?) by a few guys from my former church.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day 02 - Your Least Favorite Song
This is a tie between 2 songs. Ultimately I'm going with Barbie Girl by Aqua
This song is so annoying to me, I would possibly consider turning my radio dial to the nearest 80's pop hits station to somehow try and shift my bothered factor from one horrendous collection of sounds to another. (music would be a strong word description...)
A close second (maybe even first if I felt comfortable linking it to my blog) is My Humps by Black Eyed Peas. Ugh...
Oddly enough, they themselves are not a fan of it either!
This song is so annoying to me, I would possibly consider turning my radio dial to the nearest 80's pop hits station to somehow try and shift my bothered factor from one horrendous collection of sounds to another. (music would be a strong word description...)
A close second (maybe even first if I felt comfortable linking it to my blog) is My Humps by Black Eyed Peas. Ugh...
Oddly enough, they themselves are not a fan of it either!
Monday, June 20, 2011
30 Day Song Challenge, Day 01 - Your Favorite Song
I dare not say I love music. Mainly because people who I hear use that phrase are one minute listening to Disney's Arabian Nights, and the very next listening to 12 after. Never heard of them? My point exactly.
But I am very passionate about the music I listen to, and am very intrigued by this 30 day song challenge...So here we go.
Day 01 - Your Favorite Song
An interesting question. One that probably fluctuates with time and places in life...But my overall favorite song of all time would have to be Deathbed by Relient K
This is a song I have tried for sometime to learn on piano. (the chords used sound very well just by themselves)
I love the lyrics used, the instruments, and the overall meaning. Redemption and the transition of earthly life to heaven being a massive celebration. Not normally a fan of 11 minute long songs, but the story has captivated me. (also- Jon Foreman makes a guest appearance as Jesus in the end...pretty awesome.)
This challenge has been first noticed (then fallen victim to interwebual thievery) by me on this blog. Definitely worth a read.
But I am very passionate about the music I listen to, and am very intrigued by this 30 day song challenge...So here we go.
Day 01 - Your Favorite Song
An interesting question. One that probably fluctuates with time and places in life...But my overall favorite song of all time would have to be Deathbed by Relient K
This is a song I have tried for sometime to learn on piano. (the chords used sound very well just by themselves)
I love the lyrics used, the instruments, and the overall meaning. Redemption and the transition of earthly life to heaven being a massive celebration. Not normally a fan of 11 minute long songs, but the story has captivated me. (also- Jon Foreman makes a guest appearance as Jesus in the end...pretty awesome.)
This challenge has been first noticed (then fallen victim to interwebual thievery) by me on this blog. Definitely worth a read.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
All Things New
It's about time I took one of the many nonsensical whimsies of my mind that Blogger has labeled a draft and formed it into a comprehensible opinion!
Life has been pretty crazy so far this year. Our life is overflowing with a type of newness that I praise God's name for!
A New Car.
For those of you who have known me for quite some time, you might question my vehicle trend in life...I do. God has recently allowed me to have the Fiat 500. It's comparable to a smart car but bigger and slightly more powerful.
Fiat claims to rival the Cooper, and I am totally behind this claim for the following reason...
Yes. The Italian Job Claims the Cooper can carry 1 and a 1/2 times it's own weight in gold while still out-preforming its pursuer in true Jason Statham fashion. While I would possibly consider this car for a 2300lb gold heist, the fact that all of it's gauges are in the middle of the dash as opposed to above the wheel (talk about your sight-line deficiency) makes this vehicle inferior to the Fiat in every way.
A New House.
THIS has been an interesting endeavor to say the least. I start by saying despite common belief, rarely do I ever rush into giant decisions. But we found a house by missing a turn on an interstate. (literally- saw the sign for the homes after missing a
After much deliberation and outside advice on the subject, we decided to move forward with the purchase. The entire process has been surprisingly smooth (maybe because we're buying directly from the builder) and straight-forward. The location is amazing and central to our lives, the price for what we are getting is very good...The consensus of me and Jen is that God has dropped this opportunity into our lap.
I originally did not want to buy a house for a couple of years, but the housing market suggests otherwise. With rates that allow for a monthly payment to be slightly higher then rent, we figure now is the time to buy.
A New Church.
We have recently decided to switch churches. We actually made the decision quite some time ago, but decided recently to actively look.
Church shopping makes it onto my top 50 hated activities of life. Scoring right along side cooking, decorating, dancing, and running into the person from my past who is really happy to see me, but for the first 5 seconds of our interaction I have no clue who they are.
I don't know about you, but I have never found a church on my own accord. Ever. I believe God is all about making it very clear that HE is the one who will supply the church in my life that is solely focused on Him and His word. Google, while great at finding many other things in life, has been severely lacking in the godly church department. It's not how I found Mclean, WEC, Crossroads (our current church- or any church that will significantly impact me spiritually. Nope. Our church was suggested to us by a good friend. (which is how God operates in this department)
There are two surprising factors about this church..
1. Its small. About 150 people. Me and Jen are used to the mega church scene. But in the church searching process I made myself a disclaimer that size, although a preferable trait, would not dissuade us from a decision. While our area is sort of known as being a spiritual desert, (eh...) Crossroads has stood out to me as being the only church I have visited in the area (out of many) that emphasizes God's word as being it's primary rudder and guiding light for direction.
2. It's only service is Sunday morning. And while getting up early also scores on the list of hated activities of life, I told myself that an evening service rates in the preferred but not required category. And God called me on it...:)
A New Marriage.
Been getting alot of questions about how married life is going. My response has been that marriage so far has been one of the very few things in life that has exceeded my expectations of it. God has blessed this union immensely, and me with an amazing woman to go through life with. Sadly, we have gotten a few "well it's great NOW." responses. And maybe surprisingly, I would agree that marriage without any sort of conscious effort to combat my sinful nature to only focus on what I can get out of it- will indeed lead to an unpleasant place no couple WANTS or foresees themselves ever being, but sadly end up.
The frame of behavior that the bible teaches on marriage (and relationships) is that of a constant pouring out to your spouse. In return, God pours into you. Both through your spouse and other avenues. This is what was emphasized to us through premarriage counseling. The biggest and most tragic misinterpretations I have witnessed of marriage and the christian life is that both are motivated out of obligation...Nothing could be further from the truth!
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Gal 5:1)
Life has been pretty crazy so far this year. Our life is overflowing with a type of newness that I praise God's name for!
A New Car.
For those of you who have known me for quite some time, you might question my vehicle trend in life...I do. God has recently allowed me to have the Fiat 500. It's comparable to a smart car but bigger and slightly more powerful.
Fiat claims to rival the Cooper, and I am totally behind this claim for the following reason...
Yes. The Italian Job Claims the Cooper can carry 1 and a 1/2 times it's own weight in gold while still out-preforming its pursuer in true Jason Statham fashion. While I would possibly consider this car for a 2300lb gold heist, the fact that all of it's gauges are in the middle of the dash as opposed to above the wheel (talk about your sight-line deficiency) makes this vehicle inferior to the Fiat in every way.
A New House.
THIS has been an interesting endeavor to say the least. I start by saying despite common belief, rarely do I ever rush into giant decisions. But we found a house by missing a turn on an interstate. (literally- saw the sign for the homes after missing a
After much deliberation and outside advice on the subject, we decided to move forward with the purchase. The entire process has been surprisingly smooth (maybe because we're buying directly from the builder) and straight-forward. The location is amazing and central to our lives, the price for what we are getting is very good...The consensus of me and Jen is that God has dropped this opportunity into our lap.
I originally did not want to buy a house for a couple of years, but the housing market suggests otherwise. With rates that allow for a monthly payment to be slightly higher then rent, we figure now is the time to buy.
A New Church.
We have recently decided to switch churches. We actually made the decision quite some time ago, but decided recently to actively look.
Church shopping makes it onto my top 50 hated activities of life. Scoring right along side cooking, decorating, dancing, and running into the person from my past who is really happy to see me, but for the first 5 seconds of our interaction I have no clue who they are.
I don't know about you, but I have never found a church on my own accord. Ever. I believe God is all about making it very clear that HE is the one who will supply the church in my life that is solely focused on Him and His word. Google, while great at finding many other things in life, has been severely lacking in the godly church department. It's not how I found Mclean, WEC, Crossroads (our current church- or any church that will significantly impact me spiritually. Nope. Our church was suggested to us by a good friend. (which is how God operates in this department)
There are two surprising factors about this church..
1. Its small. About 150 people. Me and Jen are used to the mega church scene. But in the church searching process I made myself a disclaimer that size, although a preferable trait, would not dissuade us from a decision. While our area is sort of known as being a spiritual desert, (eh...) Crossroads has stood out to me as being the only church I have visited in the area (out of many) that emphasizes God's word as being it's primary rudder and guiding light for direction.
2. It's only service is Sunday morning. And while getting up early also scores on the list of hated activities of life, I told myself that an evening service rates in the preferred but not required category. And God called me on it...:)
A New Marriage.
Been getting alot of questions about how married life is going. My response has been that marriage so far has been one of the very few things in life that has exceeded my expectations of it. God has blessed this union immensely, and me with an amazing woman to go through life with. Sadly, we have gotten a few "well it's great NOW." responses. And maybe surprisingly, I would agree that marriage without any sort of conscious effort to combat my sinful nature to only focus on what I can get out of it- will indeed lead to an unpleasant place no couple WANTS or foresees themselves ever being, but sadly end up.
The frame of behavior that the bible teaches on marriage (and relationships) is that of a constant pouring out to your spouse. In return, God pours into you. Both through your spouse and other avenues. This is what was emphasized to us through premarriage counseling. The biggest and most tragic misinterpretations I have witnessed of marriage and the christian life is that both are motivated out of obligation...Nothing could be further from the truth!
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Gal 5:1)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Writers Block...(?)
For some reason I am having problems thinking of a solid subject to write on since being married. Maybe it's because that is indeed what I want to write about and I feel people are probably over our wedding and tired of hearing about it. Maybe I shouldn't care and write something that I want to because it's my blog...
In anycase...I have decided to write about smaller things going on in my life instead.
-As before mentioned, I am now married. This has pretty much permeated my thought life. While I love being married, I can't help but to recall a tweet from one of our pastor's at Mclean Bible Church..."I don't love my marriage; I love Ashley." Every so often I remember this to remind myself of who I truly love...(Not Ashley- my wife!)
-I was reading a box of Cheerio's today and thought to myself- there's alot of friggin Cheerio flavors. I then began to wonder what flavors were up for review, but ultimately got rejected. Ice cream Cheerio's? Pepsi Cheerio's? Cantaloupe Cheerio's? I would eat all of these.
-This past Sunday we believe to have found a new church. In true God fashion, it was not church we found via Google, or even on our own accord. God likes to teach me that He will be the one who puts His church into my life. It's a very small church compared to what we have been attending, but passionate about God and His word...I am very excited about the potential witnessed this past Sunday.
-Been playing tennis alot this season with Michael Harper I love tennis with a fiery white-hot passion. It takes just about everything I have to compete with this dude, and a tremendous amount of soreness and suffering afterward...Which then results in a conviction to hit the gym. Thanks Mike...
-We went out to grill some chicken this past weekend on what we thought were our complex's grill. Turns out it was not, as a not so neighborly neighbor informed us. This guy was mad. And not mad like "Hey, why are you inadvertently using my grill that's located next to a public bench, in a public area, and has no lock or any indication otherwise that it's privately owned" mad. More mad like "Hey, you have about 10 seconds to step away from the grill you assumed was public before I grill your face" mad. I was upset at first- until I thought back on the situation and realized that if someone gets that upset over a mistake a stranger makes, clearly some bigger issues must be going on in his life...It made me reflect on the importance of not responding rashly in a situation.
Proverbs 12:18
The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
-We are going up to NoVa for the first time since being married this weekend. I couldn't be more excited to see friends, new family, and of course my second home in general :)
In anycase...I have decided to write about smaller things going on in my life instead.
-As before mentioned, I am now married. This has pretty much permeated my thought life. While I love being married, I can't help but to recall a tweet from one of our pastor's at Mclean Bible Church..."I don't love my marriage; I love Ashley." Every so often I remember this to remind myself of who I truly love...(Not Ashley- my wife!)
-I was reading a box of Cheerio's today and thought to myself- there's alot of friggin Cheerio flavors. I then began to wonder what flavors were up for review, but ultimately got rejected. Ice cream Cheerio's? Pepsi Cheerio's? Cantaloupe Cheerio's? I would eat all of these.
-This past Sunday we believe to have found a new church. In true God fashion, it was not church we found via Google, or even on our own accord. God likes to teach me that He will be the one who puts His church into my life. It's a very small church compared to what we have been attending, but passionate about God and His word...I am very excited about the potential witnessed this past Sunday.
-Been playing tennis alot this season with Michael Harper I love tennis with a fiery white-hot passion. It takes just about everything I have to compete with this dude, and a tremendous amount of soreness and suffering afterward...Which then results in a conviction to hit the gym. Thanks Mike...
-We went out to grill some chicken this past weekend on what we thought were our complex's grill. Turns out it was not, as a not so neighborly neighbor informed us. This guy was mad. And not mad like "Hey, why are you inadvertently using my grill that's located next to a public bench, in a public area, and has no lock or any indication otherwise that it's privately owned" mad. More mad like "Hey, you have about 10 seconds to step away from the grill you assumed was public before I grill your face" mad. I was upset at first- until I thought back on the situation and realized that if someone gets that upset over a mistake a stranger makes, clearly some bigger issues must be going on in his life...It made me reflect on the importance of not responding rashly in a situation.
Proverbs 12:18
The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
-We are going up to NoVa for the first time since being married this weekend. I couldn't be more excited to see friends, new family, and of course my second home in general :)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Being recently married to my beautiful wife-I have much to be thankful for. Infact, from now and forever more, I don't believe a word or collection of words exist to describe April 29th, 2011. The day was more epic then the dreams I have been having about it beforehand.
Looking back, it is abundantly clear how much God will make His name justifiably glorified through those who desire to do so. How things fall into place for that to happen.
I am very thankful beyond comprehension for the effort of all involved! (family, friends, wedding party)
Not much else to say really...:)
-Lucky Man
P.S. Link to pics (not in order)
Looking back, it is abundantly clear how much God will make His name justifiably glorified through those who desire to do so. How things fall into place for that to happen.
I am very thankful beyond comprehension for the effort of all involved! (family, friends, wedding party)
Not much else to say really...:)
-Lucky Man
P.S. Link to pics (not in order)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Emergency Broadcast: My Kinda Party
In a direct contrast to my last post, I am writing one more blog before marriage.
Mainly because I feel it would be a shame for my Bachelor party to go unblogged about :)
As it was presented to me. I will go in phases..
Phase 1-The day's weather was not inclined (what with the tornado watches and all) to tennis activity. We decided to play Settlers of Catan. I LOVE this game, and in my mind it was a brilliant substitute. I lost (as I usually do) but it was very reminiscent of the times of olde. (Chase ended up winning)
At the end of this, some of the guys continually mentioned getting me on a plane. About 80% of me was certain this was a joke...That percentage lowered as the night went on.
Phase 2- Dinner. Also very reminiscent of what I miss about NoVa. We go out, have a meal, and just commune together as a group of great friends. It was an air of celebration...Great times.
Also more plane comments...
Phase 3-On the way to the next mystery destination, the plane discussion was now in full swing. It is mentioned that I am definitely getting on a plane and going somewhere, and we begin to drive towards Dulles International....INTERESTING. I was questioning my next move. Do I open the door and roll out of a moving vehicle movie style? Do I take the less dramatic, but more sensible route and just run away as soon as we stop? Are my friends really THIS crazy? Needless to say I wasn't in full freak out mode, but definitely on my toes as to what the heck was about to
We pass the airport and continue on to a lasertag place that just happened to be near Dulles (at this point I am laughing hysterically on the inside...brilliant planning on their part) We play both laser tag, and another one of my favorite activities of all time...DDR. It was pretty amazing.
As we leave, I am convinced that the night is over. Instead I was informed that there is a phase 4...(I believe it's 11pm at this point)...On onwards we go
Phase 4- We return to the place we had dinner to discover (well, atleast I discovered) that karaoke was taking place. SO happy....I love karaoke! What happened in this phase is probably best kept out of the public spotlight...:) People who never go up on stage went up for my sake, sang songs that were pretty funny, and really stuck in there way past multiple people's bedtimes for the sake of the bachelor party...Certain people have video of this phase...I'm curious how it turned
When we leave, I congratulate the guys, thank them for an awesome evening (about 1:30am) -only to be informed there is another phase! The Omega phase (I love the title of this...)
Omega Phase- We return to our starting point (Thomas's house) and I am last to arrive...the guys are huddled up and I'm sort of shuffled to the center of the circle...little Someone throws a jacket over my head, lots of shouting and pushing, I am hustled up the driveway a little, and the guys were like "we just wanted to do that to make things a little exciting, (I'm laughing and smiling as I type this) but were going to end tonight by praying for you and Jen." so the guys gather around, place a hand, and just pray. Pray for strength, leadership, humility to God, etc....I was SO thankful for all of it. I haven't done the night justice in this blog, but I will never forget it.
The entire night was a huge reflection of the love God has for me. The people He has placed in my life I am quite convinced are the best people on the planet. I could not have asked for a better bachelor party.
Mainly because I feel it would be a shame for my Bachelor party to go unblogged about :)
As it was presented to me. I will go in phases..
Phase 1-The day's weather was not inclined (what with the tornado watches and all) to tennis activity. We decided to play Settlers of Catan. I LOVE this game, and in my mind it was a brilliant substitute. I lost (as I usually do) but it was very reminiscent of the times of olde. (Chase ended up winning)
At the end of this, some of the guys continually mentioned getting me on a plane. About 80% of me was certain this was a joke...That percentage lowered as the night went on.
Phase 2- Dinner. Also very reminiscent of what I miss about NoVa. We go out, have a meal, and just commune together as a group of great friends. It was an air of celebration...Great times.
Also more plane comments...
Phase 3-On the way to the next mystery destination, the plane discussion was now in full swing. It is mentioned that I am definitely getting on a plane and going somewhere, and we begin to drive towards Dulles International....INTERESTING. I was questioning my next move. Do I open the door and roll out of a moving vehicle movie style? Do I take the less dramatic, but more sensible route and just run away as soon as we stop? Are my friends really THIS crazy? Needless to say I wasn't in full freak out mode, but definitely on my toes as to what the heck was about to
We pass the airport and continue on to a lasertag place that just happened to be near Dulles (at this point I am laughing hysterically on the inside...brilliant planning on their part) We play both laser tag, and another one of my favorite activities of all time...DDR. It was pretty amazing.
As we leave, I am convinced that the night is over. Instead I was informed that there is a phase 4...(I believe it's 11pm at this point)...On onwards we go
Phase 4- We return to the place we had dinner to discover (well, atleast I discovered) that karaoke was taking place. SO happy....I love karaoke! What happened in this phase is probably best kept out of the public spotlight...:) People who never go up on stage went up for my sake, sang songs that were pretty funny, and really stuck in there way past multiple people's bedtimes for the sake of the bachelor party...Certain people have video of this phase...I'm curious how it turned
When we leave, I congratulate the guys, thank them for an awesome evening (about 1:30am) -only to be informed there is another phase! The Omega phase (I love the title of this...)
Omega Phase- We return to our starting point (Thomas's house) and I am last to arrive...the guys are huddled up and I'm sort of shuffled to the center of the circle...little Someone throws a jacket over my head, lots of shouting and pushing, I am hustled up the driveway a little, and the guys were like "we just wanted to do that to make things a little exciting, (I'm laughing and smiling as I type this) but were going to end tonight by praying for you and Jen." so the guys gather around, place a hand, and just pray. Pray for strength, leadership, humility to God, etc....I was SO thankful for all of it. I haven't done the night justice in this blog, but I will never forget it.
The entire night was a huge reflection of the love God has for me. The people He has placed in my life I am quite convinced are the best people on the planet. I could not have asked for a better bachelor party.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This Is It
30 days from today (quick Knot check...yep) I'll be married.
I was out on a job survey yesterday for City Hall Norfolk. There was this very nice older lady there who somehow found out I was getting married.
"You know? Thirty years and he's still my best friend."
Of all the horror stories We both have heard of older couples pretty much falling apart, it's good to hear one of those every now and then.
I feel like it's game time. You can prepare for only so long (believe me...we have) before it's finally time to get in there and just do it!
Some helpful advice we have received...
This will be my last post before our marriage. I have been forbidden requested to not tweet/facebook/blog/email/messenger pigeon the world about our honeymoon until afterward :) I couldn't be more excited...Thank's to God for hooking me up with this awesome woman!!!!!
I was out on a job survey yesterday for City Hall Norfolk. There was this very nice older lady there who somehow found out I was getting married.
"You know? Thirty years and he's still my best friend."
Of all the horror stories We both have heard of older couples pretty much falling apart, it's good to hear one of those every now and then.
I feel like it's game time. You can prepare for only so long (believe me...we have) before it's finally time to get in there and just do it!
Some helpful advice we have received...
- Communicate- Even when you don't want to/it's difficult. Do not assume your spouse does/should just "know" what you are thinking.
- Love sacrificially- The more you pore yourself out for your spouse, the better.
- Let others in- Contrary to a pretty scary common belief, marriage doesn't mean you hang up your other friendships. Maintain outside relationships. Falsely believing your spouse is all you need in life is essentially placing them as God in your life....That never works in the long run.
- The importance of accountability- Invite an older wiser couple into your lives to ask how things are going and suggest what can be approved.
- Heat of conflict- If the only goal of your argument is to be right, you've already lost. Couples who have eachother's best interest at heart will MOST of the time (not always) be open to the opposing side's point of view.
- Don't stop trying- Keep doing the things that won your spouse over before you were married. These things are still necessary.
- Don't try and copy another couple- God created you two uniquely and individually.
This will be my last post before our marriage. I have been
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
So I am really enjoying the system of chores we are beginning to setup at the future Coleman household.
To start, I HATE cooking...hate. To me, it is possibly the worst of all household duties. I'm not sure why I feel this way about this particular task. Cooking is to me what satellite internet is to it's consumers. Frustrating and pointless.
God knew this when he hooked me up with Jen. She loves to cook....with a passion. The things she creates will make your mouth wish it had two tongues to taste with....It's that good.
The system we have worked out now is that She will cook, and I will do the dishes. I love this system! I've done dishes growing up, and at my first job. No stranger to the task. A reoccurring thought-theme that has been grabbing my attention lately during this process is...well, the actual process itself. I don't know if you regularly, or ever, washed a dish in your life but there's a clear set of priorities when doing so...
The inside of a dish HAS to be clean. Sure, the outside does too, but if you had to choose between cleaning the outside of a dish and cleaning the inside you would clearly pick the inside to be clean. It's used over the outside of a dish and thus...more important. Special attention and more effort is used (atleast for me anyway) when cleaning an inside of a dish then the outside.
It makes me think of how much I focus on what I want others to see in my life. At times I am overly focused on the impression I want perceived...Consciously and purposefully saying (and subtly implying an impression I want others to think) phrases, words, and quotes I know will be received a certain way. It's surprisingly easy and addictive. All in the guise of caring about reputation even.
While I feel it is important as a Christ-follower to have a reputation of love for others, It's all to easy to clean the outside of my dish very well. While what's truly important (godly character, godly wisdom, my view of priorities) remains unclean. I did not invent this concept...
Matthew 23:25-26
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
This entire chapter warns of hypocrisy. Christ is especially upset with those who represent God to those who do not know Him.
I feel God cares little of what I present to others, and very much with what is the overflow of my heart. That is what He pays special attention to. Who I am as a character shows through what I do, and will ultimately be what is on the outside...If that makes sense.
He also actually starts working on the inside first. It is said God changes from the inside out and I believe it! I am ridiculously thankful for the years God has convicted me to change a particular thought-process or habit in order to improve my character. What I see avoided more and more among my peers is the willingness to subject one's self to discomfort with the understanding that it ultimately leads to a result for the better. (guilty.) I suppose it's human nature to put too much emphasis on the process of refinement then the result of it. A star combatant of this is the example of this god-like refinement in God's word, and in God's people.
To start, I HATE cooking...hate. To me, it is possibly the worst of all household duties. I'm not sure why I feel this way about this particular task. Cooking is to me what satellite internet is to it's consumers. Frustrating and pointless.
God knew this when he hooked me up with Jen. She loves to cook....with a passion. The things she creates will make your mouth wish it had two tongues to taste with....It's that good.
The system we have worked out now is that She will cook, and I will do the dishes. I love this system! I've done dishes growing up, and at my first job. No stranger to the task. A reoccurring thought-theme that has been grabbing my attention lately during this process is...well, the actual process itself. I don't know if you regularly, or ever, washed a dish in your life but there's a clear set of priorities when doing so...
The inside of a dish HAS to be clean. Sure, the outside does too, but if you had to choose between cleaning the outside of a dish and cleaning the inside you would clearly pick the inside to be clean. It's used over the outside of a dish and thus...more important. Special attention and more effort is used (atleast for me anyway) when cleaning an inside of a dish then the outside.
It makes me think of how much I focus on what I want others to see in my life. At times I am overly focused on the impression I want perceived...Consciously and purposefully saying (and subtly implying an impression I want others to think) phrases, words, and quotes I know will be received a certain way. It's surprisingly easy and addictive. All in the guise of caring about reputation even.
While I feel it is important as a Christ-follower to have a reputation of love for others, It's all to easy to clean the outside of my dish very well. While what's truly important (godly character, godly wisdom, my view of priorities) remains unclean. I did not invent this concept...
Matthew 23:25-26
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
This entire chapter warns of hypocrisy. Christ is especially upset with those who represent God to those who do not know Him.
I feel God cares little of what I present to others, and very much with what is the overflow of my heart. That is what He pays special attention to. Who I am as a character shows through what I do, and will ultimately be what is on the outside...If that makes sense.
He also actually starts working on the inside first. It is said God changes from the inside out and I believe it! I am ridiculously thankful for the years God has convicted me to change a particular thought-process or habit in order to improve my character. What I see avoided more and more among my peers is the willingness to subject one's self to discomfort with the understanding that it ultimately leads to a result for the better. (guilty.) I suppose it's human nature to put too much emphasis on the process of refinement then the result of it. A star combatant of this is the example of this god-like refinement in God's word, and in God's people.
Monday, February 21, 2011
What do you consider to be wise, or foolish?
I find it fascinating what God has to say on the subject...
Proverbs 13:10
Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
1 Corinthians 2:10
These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
I have been thinking lately of how blessed I am to even comprehend what God is saying to me in His word and through His people. I have noticed how not everyone has this gift. Simple biblical principals, when given in an everyday advice context, seem almost like a foreign language in today's culture. I then ask myself what can I do to make God's word more applicable/appealing to those around me without compromising it. I believe this answer is three-fold....
1. Clarify exactly what God's word says (a lot of wrong assumptions exist about it)
2. Show the results of its changing power in my own life.
3. Don't hide the fact the the bible does in fact challenge you to change for the better.
Ultimately though, it's always a person's own choice to accept this freely given wisdom that God offers. That's what it always comes back to, a choice made. It's not like He just randomly chooses people, and said people just happen to understand the bible.(the process is so much more in depth then that) God's word is either foolishness or wisdom...which do you think and (pretty important--->) why?
More often then not my own pride will hinder me from this wisdom that God says is worth more then everything I own. More then rubies and gold. But just like 1 Corinthians 2:10 states, it has to be given by Him.
It makes me stop and thank God. Thank Him for the fact that the process for receiving wisdom is similar to the process of receiving salvation. Ask humbly and in reverence, and it is freely given. Even if I don't always apply it to my life...
I find it fascinating what God has to say on the subject...
Proverbs 13:10
Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
1 Corinthians 2:10
These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
I have been thinking lately of how blessed I am to even comprehend what God is saying to me in His word and through His people. I have noticed how not everyone has this gift. Simple biblical principals, when given in an everyday advice context, seem almost like a foreign language in today's culture. I then ask myself what can I do to make God's word more applicable/appealing to those around me without compromising it. I believe this answer is three-fold....
1. Clarify exactly what God's word says (a lot of wrong assumptions exist about it)
2. Show the results of its changing power in my own life.
3. Don't hide the fact the the bible does in fact challenge you to change for the better.
Ultimately though, it's always a person's own choice to accept this freely given wisdom that God offers. That's what it always comes back to, a choice made. It's not like He just randomly chooses people, and said people just happen to understand the bible.(the process is so much more in depth then that) God's word is either foolishness or wisdom...which do you think and (pretty important--->) why?
More often then not my own pride will hinder me from this wisdom that God says is worth more then everything I own. More then rubies and gold. But just like 1 Corinthians 2:10 states, it has to be given by Him.
It makes me stop and thank God. Thank Him for the fact that the process for receiving wisdom is similar to the process of receiving salvation. Ask humbly and in reverence, and it is freely given. Even if I don't always apply it to my life...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
PRE-Marriage Counseling
Me and Jen have been attending pre-marriage counseling. To be honest, I was fairly nervous for the first session. I had this fixation in my mind that if I don't have the entirety of Ephesians 5:22-33 memorized, We would be shut down faster then the 757 after someone thought they smelled some snow somewhere.
As with most things I have done for Christ, it initially took some stepping out in faith. Getting out of that comfort bubble of familiarity with the confidence that God's got this, and He has never left me disappointed in this regard...ever.
Our situation is somewhat unique- we have our college pastor John McGowan from Mclean Bible Church marrying us. We are both really excited that he is able to do it, and it means a lot to the both of us. We would not be where we are today if not for his very insightful preaching on the scripture.

Thankfully, the nervousness has gone away. We both believe that marriage is not something you just walk into and figure out as you go along. It's so much more serious then that. SO many problems can be avoided with advice from those that have been there before. Not only that, but God is all about preventing as many foreseeable problems as possible. Not to say there won't be trouble, but why not try and prevent unnecessary problems, and live out a marriage of blessing to both yourselves and those around you.
Thoughts or advise on marriage?
As with most things I have done for Christ, it initially took some stepping out in faith. Getting out of that comfort bubble of familiarity with the confidence that God's got this, and He has never left me disappointed in this regard...ever.
Our situation is somewhat unique- we have our college pastor John McGowan from Mclean Bible Church marrying us. We are both really excited that he is able to do it, and it means a lot to the both of us. We would not be where we are today if not for his very insightful preaching on the scripture.
One of our pastors Rob Shepherd of Waters Edge Church is supplying the in person marriage counseling. This guy is like a bible ninja...and not a lame ninja like Galford from the Samurai Showdown series, more like an awesome ninja that my sister Christina drew specifically for this blog...refer to pics below.
Lame Ninja

Awesome Ninja
Thankfully, the nervousness has gone away. We both believe that marriage is not something you just walk into and figure out as you go along. It's so much more serious then that. SO many problems can be avoided with advice from those that have been there before. Not only that, but God is all about preventing as many foreseeable problems as possible. Not to say there won't be trouble, but why not try and prevent unnecessary problems, and live out a marriage of blessing to both yourselves and those around you.
Thoughts or advise on marriage?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Christian Myths
It seems to me that alot of people I talk to have a predetermined idea of who a christian is....IE:
Christians are always happy-Not necesarily. Infact, I would argue that a person wholeheartedly pursuing Christ is generally unhappier then a person partying their life away. I use that term loosely though, because there is a certain joy (which out-sustains happiness) that only God can give. The bible says multiple times that life given to God is not easy, but the reward He gives you (in this world and the next) is worth it 10x over. The evidence of this in my life so far compels me to believe it. Evidence that He would freely demonstrate to others given half the chance.
Christians are offended easily- This probably depends on the person. Most Christians I know are actually slow to anger (as the bible calls them to be) and choose what to be offended by wisely. People make fun of the bible, God, the Cross, just about anything else Christ related you can think of. I tend not to get offended over these things because honestly, my energy is better spent elsewhere then fruitless squabbles.
Christians love celibacy-FALSE. I can say from personal experience that more often then not I would rather wrestle a tag-team duo of a ridiculously well trained, sword-wielding orangutans then wrestle with the desire to have sex with my future wife. But like so many other things in life, God calls us to this because A. She is God's and not mine...thus He sets the rules. B. By following this guideline it glorifies Him, and C. It it better for me in the long run. (not to mention countless studies done on couples having sex in and outside of marriage) Why would I put myself through this when it is more common now days to not? Because my God is one who gives abundantly, and He says sex is more abundant in marriage.
Christians follow God's laws primarily to make themselves look better to man-Mmm...Unfortunately some do. But these "Christians" are fairly easy to pick out of the crowd. It is not hard after a few conversations to see where one's priorities lie. It's so important to me to be honest with people who don't know Christ. To give the overall impression that yes, I am a Christ follower and I also make mistakes. This is how I became a Christian. By seeing someone who loved Christ with all their heart, and yet still made mistakes in life.
You need to have your act together before coming to Christ- Also a no. Infact, a gigantic huge no. The tiniest bit of research into Christ's ministry would reveal that He not only never demanded this of anybody to accept His gift, but actually preferred and sought out the really messed up people. This is no different today. He made me...He knows what I'm about and desires a relationship with me right were I stand. This one hung me up for the longest time...
Christians hate Science-systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. <----Dictionary definition
This is hilariously redundant. Science is our OBSERVATION of the world around us. Of God's creation! This observation can and has been flawed. (unless our earth actually is square and everything revolves around it) I refuse to believe we as people (given our track record) have it all figured out in the realm of science. If anything, our observations point to the Creator's breathtaking design. But hey, I'm no scientist...
I think alot of it comes back around to what people think we are representing. Our lives as Christ followers demand a higher standard of living. Why would anyone want to believe what we did if we were no different? It's our job to portray a joy in our life that they have never seen before...and have them question it. (which is not hard to do really...I seem to have made it sound obligatory)
The disconnect comes when people think we are representing ourselves, and that there is no outside element affecting our life. I think people just assume "Oh, that's just who he is." When in fact,'s not just who I am. Who I am is inherently selfish, backstabbing, mean, self-centered, and self-glorifying. It takes an outside party to change...there is no stronger force of that then God.
Christians are always happy-Not necesarily. Infact, I would argue that a person wholeheartedly pursuing Christ is generally unhappier then a person partying their life away. I use that term loosely though, because there is a certain joy (which out-sustains happiness) that only God can give. The bible says multiple times that life given to God is not easy, but the reward He gives you (in this world and the next) is worth it 10x over. The evidence of this in my life so far compels me to believe it. Evidence that He would freely demonstrate to others given half the chance.
Christians are offended easily- This probably depends on the person. Most Christians I know are actually slow to anger (as the bible calls them to be) and choose what to be offended by wisely. People make fun of the bible, God, the Cross, just about anything else Christ related you can think of. I tend not to get offended over these things because honestly, my energy is better spent elsewhere then fruitless squabbles.
Christians love celibacy-FALSE. I can say from personal experience that more often then not I would rather wrestle a tag-team duo of a ridiculously well trained, sword-wielding orangutans then wrestle with the desire to have sex with my future wife. But like so many other things in life, God calls us to this because A. She is God's and not mine...thus He sets the rules. B. By following this guideline it glorifies Him, and C. It it better for me in the long run. (not to mention countless studies done on couples having sex in and outside of marriage) Why would I put myself through this when it is more common now days to not? Because my God is one who gives abundantly, and He says sex is more abundant in marriage.
Christians follow God's laws primarily to make themselves look better to man-Mmm...Unfortunately some do. But these "Christians" are fairly easy to pick out of the crowd. It is not hard after a few conversations to see where one's priorities lie. It's so important to me to be honest with people who don't know Christ. To give the overall impression that yes, I am a Christ follower and I also make mistakes. This is how I became a Christian. By seeing someone who loved Christ with all their heart, and yet still made mistakes in life.
You need to have your act together before coming to Christ- Also a no. Infact, a gigantic huge no. The tiniest bit of research into Christ's ministry would reveal that He not only never demanded this of anybody to accept His gift, but actually preferred and sought out the really messed up people. This is no different today. He made me...He knows what I'm about and desires a relationship with me right were I stand. This one hung me up for the longest time...
Christians hate Science-systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. <----Dictionary definition
This is hilariously redundant. Science is our OBSERVATION of the world around us. Of God's creation! This observation can and has been flawed. (unless our earth actually is square and everything revolves around it) I refuse to believe we as people (given our track record) have it all figured out in the realm of science. If anything, our observations point to the Creator's breathtaking design. But hey, I'm no scientist...
I think alot of it comes back around to what people think we are representing. Our lives as Christ followers demand a higher standard of living. Why would anyone want to believe what we did if we were no different? It's our job to portray a joy in our life that they have never seen before...and have them question it. (which is not hard to do really...I seem to have made it sound obligatory)
The disconnect comes when people think we are representing ourselves, and that there is no outside element affecting our life. I think people just assume "Oh, that's just who he is." When in fact,'s not just who I am. Who I am is inherently selfish, backstabbing, mean, self-centered, and self-glorifying. It takes an outside party to change...there is no stronger force of that then God.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Emergency Broadcast: Past
Generally, I have my blogs somewhat planned before writing. There will be some stuff in them that is currently going on in my life, but also things that have happened to me that I want to write about.
Every once in awhile however, something will happen in life that demands an alteration to my current writing plans. Something I feel I must write about right then and there...thus begins my new series; Emergency Broadcast.
I once heard that there are two types of people in the world: those that are fascinated at what happened, and those that are fascinated at what is to come. I think I am the latter. Constantly looking ahead and not overly concerned with what has happened in my life other then what could be learned from my mistakes. My past is not something that comes up a whole lot in conversations because quite honestly, I am ashamed of most of it.
That being said Friday night at Olive Garden we sat at the bar because no seats were available. Mine and Jen's bartender was none other then a huge reminder of who I once was. Now, this was not a bad thing by any means and I was excited to see her. Not to mention very surprised....I honestly thought I would never see this person again in my life. (a list of people that is dwindling)
All through dinner I couldn't help but think back to my days before Christ. Who I was, what has happened, the story is amazing. Anytime I run into anybody from this particular time in my life, I very badly want to tell them how I have changed, what God has done, where I am now in life...but of course, the middle of an Olive Garden shift is probably not the most appropriate time. (I settled for a bad joke about how much less I was being yelled at by cops)(<---wow that sounds bad....)
She gave me the number to my former best friend and informed me that he looked for me on facebook. I'm excited to share whats been going on in my life with him and hear what he has been up to. She seemed to be doing much better as well, which was encouraging....Don't think she liked working there though.
It was strange being served a Corona by a giant slap-in-the-face reminder of who you once were. Strange, but exciting to reflect on who I am now, and what God has done to me through His word and other people. She probably should have slapped me in the face after the tip I left her. I feel bad, it was not on purpose though!...The service was great. I just suck at math...Enter: Tip Calculator.
Chances are I won't get the chance to really catch up with her. But that night was spent thanking God for everything He used to make me realize that living for Him was worth more then anything this world could offer me.
Every once in awhile however, something will happen in life that demands an alteration to my current writing plans. Something I feel I must write about right then and there...thus begins my new series; Emergency Broadcast.
I once heard that there are two types of people in the world: those that are fascinated at what happened, and those that are fascinated at what is to come. I think I am the latter. Constantly looking ahead and not overly concerned with what has happened in my life other then what could be learned from my mistakes. My past is not something that comes up a whole lot in conversations because quite honestly, I am ashamed of most of it.
That being said Friday night at Olive Garden we sat at the bar because no seats were available. Mine and Jen's bartender was none other then a huge reminder of who I once was. Now, this was not a bad thing by any means and I was excited to see her. Not to mention very surprised....I honestly thought I would never see this person again in my life. (a list of people that is dwindling)
All through dinner I couldn't help but think back to my days before Christ. Who I was, what has happened, the story is amazing. Anytime I run into anybody from this particular time in my life, I very badly want to tell them how I have changed, what God has done, where I am now in life...but of course, the middle of an Olive Garden shift is probably not the most appropriate time. (I settled for a bad joke about how much less I was being yelled at by cops)(<---wow that sounds bad....)
She gave me the number to my former best friend and informed me that he looked for me on facebook. I'm excited to share whats been going on in my life with him and hear what he has been up to. She seemed to be doing much better as well, which was encouraging....Don't think she liked working there though.
It was strange being served a Corona by a giant slap-in-the-face reminder of who you once were. Strange, but exciting to reflect on who I am now, and what God has done to me through His word and other people. She probably should have slapped me in the face after the tip I left her. I feel bad, it was not on purpose though!...The service was great. I just suck at math...Enter: Tip Calculator.
Chances are I won't get the chance to really catch up with her. But that night was spent thanking God for everything He used to make me realize that living for Him was worth more then anything this world could offer me.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Returning to my influence series of posts with another very big
Some are much more family oriented then others, but all are shaped by their family. Especially in the younger years.
I love my family; they are amazing. I can easily say I would not be a Christ follower today if it weren't for my mom, dad, and two older brothers. It is easy to see in my parents parenting styles the type of love Christ has for his children. I understand how foreign of a concept (that is, the type of love God displays) this is to a lot of people, but it never has been in my life thanks to my family.
How has your family influenced you? Alot of people do not have the best of stories concerning this topic, but I do believe every family (immediate or otherwise) has given you some sort of positive encouragement. And chances are, if your entire world were to fall around you, they would support you to the best of their abilities.
I also think a family is easy to take for granted and not be thankful for. But the fact of the matter is, a family is a group of people that no matter the circumstances you should be always thankful for. If I were to stop and think of all that my (and every for that matter) family has sacrificed without me giving anything in return, that statistic would be daunting. Thankfulness would be the only response one could have I would imagine.
God's views of a family are very heavily child-based. That is to say, He is very concerned with how we will raise our family and gives us much instruction on how to do so...
Deuteronomy 4:9-10
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.
Provers 3:1-4
My son, forget not my teaching, keep in mind my commands; For many days, and years of life, and peace, will they bring you. Let not kindness and fidelity leave you; bind them around your neck; Then will you win favor and good esteem before God and man.
Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!
God is both clear and passionate about how we are to raise children. I have heard it said many times that a child is kind of like a blank canvas that is molded and shaped into who he/she will be as an adult, and how much harder it is to change who you are as one! My children will love God; don't have many doubts of that. And I will take cue's from what I have learned from my family in the process!
Some are much more family oriented then others, but all are shaped by their family. Especially in the younger years.
I love my family; they are amazing. I can easily say I would not be a Christ follower today if it weren't for my mom, dad, and two older brothers. It is easy to see in my parents parenting styles the type of love Christ has for his children. I understand how foreign of a concept (that is, the type of love God displays) this is to a lot of people, but it never has been in my life thanks to my family.
How has your family influenced you? Alot of people do not have the best of stories concerning this topic, but I do believe every family (immediate or otherwise) has given you some sort of positive encouragement. And chances are, if your entire world were to fall around you, they would support you to the best of their abilities.
I also think a family is easy to take for granted and not be thankful for. But the fact of the matter is, a family is a group of people that no matter the circumstances you should be always thankful for. If I were to stop and think of all that my (and every for that matter) family has sacrificed without me giving anything in return, that statistic would be daunting. Thankfulness would be the only response one could have I would imagine.
God's views of a family are very heavily child-based. That is to say, He is very concerned with how we will raise our family and gives us much instruction on how to do so...
Deuteronomy 4:9-10
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.
Provers 3:1-4
My son, forget not my teaching, keep in mind my commands; For many days, and years of life, and peace, will they bring you. Let not kindness and fidelity leave you; bind them around your neck; Then will you win favor and good esteem before God and man.
Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!
God is both clear and passionate about how we are to raise children. I have heard it said many times that a child is kind of like a blank canvas that is molded and shaped into who he/she will be as an adult, and how much harder it is to change who you are as one! My children will love God; don't have many doubts of that. And I will take cue's from what I have learned from my family in the process!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
These Are A Few of My Favorite Things-Gym Edition.
I love and hate the gym all at the same time. Never (and I hear you reach this magical bliss at some point and time) do I WANT to go to the gym. But I have found nominal ways to entertain myself in this situation.
Compete with my neighbor.
Granted, Most of the time my machine neighbor is either very old, very out of shape, or very uncommitted to the process, making competition obsolete. But, every once in a while, I'll run into that guy who sits down on the bike next to you, looks at your screen, makes sure all his settings match yours,(all while trying to pretend like he is not) and starts pumping it out like no ones business...I wish I had the guts to be that guy...beating him is so much fun.
Listen to an audio book.
I have been told that I have high entertainment needs. Unfortunately I would have to agree with this. That being said, me looking at a little guy running in circles on a screen, or a line zig-zagging up a mountain just isn't going to cut it for my workout. Music helps, but even that gets old. I had an app on my droid that played survivor episodes (Which worked pretty well) but I watched the entire season...leaving me with, audio book. This has worked surprisingly well for me lately...I like listening to/focusing on people talking and this keeps me going and forget that I'm working out.
Don't do the same things.
This one is pretty obvious, but I have to switch it up. Sometimes I'll play volleyball, do different machines, maybe even a class. One of my favorite sayings- "variety is the spice of life!"
Go with someone.
My gym encourages you to have a workout buddy. It is probably the biggest motivator for most people. You're less likely to do just about everything by yourself. Thankfully between Jen and other friends...I got a good group to go with.
Look forward to something after.
I wouldn't say this is THE reason to go to the gym, but man I love doing my after workout routine! Hot-tub...steam room...refreshing. I look forward to it during workout, and feel like I earned it after.
Compete with my neighbor.
Granted, Most of the time my machine neighbor is either very old, very out of shape, or very uncommitted to the process, making competition obsolete. But, every once in a while, I'll run into that guy who sits down on the bike next to you, looks at your screen, makes sure all his settings match yours,(all while trying to pretend like he is not) and starts pumping it out like no ones business...I wish I had the guts to be that guy...beating him is so much fun.
Listen to an audio book.
I have been told that I have high entertainment needs. Unfortunately I would have to agree with this. That being said, me looking at a little guy running in circles on a screen, or a line zig-zagging up a mountain just isn't going to cut it for my workout. Music helps, but even that gets old. I had an app on my droid that played survivor episodes (Which worked pretty well) but I watched the entire season...leaving me with, audio book. This has worked surprisingly well for me lately...I like listening to/focusing on people talking and this keeps me going and forget that I'm working out.
Don't do the same things.
This one is pretty obvious, but I have to switch it up. Sometimes I'll play volleyball, do different machines, maybe even a class. One of my favorite sayings- "variety is the spice of life!"
Go with someone.
My gym encourages you to have a workout buddy. It is probably the biggest motivator for most people. You're less likely to do just about everything by yourself. Thankfully between Jen and other friends...I got a good group to go with.
Look forward to something after.
I wouldn't say this is THE reason to go to the gym, but man I love doing my after workout routine! Hot-tub...steam room...refreshing. I look forward to it during workout, and feel like I earned it after.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Another One? Really?
I don't know why, but I have felt like blogging a lot recently....I have also taking a liking to this style...
-I'm going snowboarding this weekend. For those that do not know, I LOVE to is a passion in life.
-I have recently begun to hate being engaged. You never hear how wonderful engagement is about mid-way through. Thats because it's like wandering through an endless desert of days, only to arrive at the unfathomable mountain of wait. Ok; a bit of an exaggeration. But I do want to be married already. I would be very seriously tempted to go to our local courthouse if it weren't a complete slap in the face to our friends, family, and both our desires to have an evangelical ceremony. I don't see how a year long engagement is even possible...Thank God I'm not on that boat.
-I have been obsessed with GT5 (Gran-Turismo 5) lately. A game most gamers would find dull. I love it nonetheless.
-I have a fear of flying. More of a phobia really. And it's not like I'm afraid of crashing and dying. As soon as I step on a plane i get really claustrophobic (no plane could be big enough)also, once I realize I can't get off the plane of my own accord, I start panicking. I guess I don't like the no-turn-back factor. (Which is odd because I don't have commitment issues) It has kept me from going on some amazing trips with friends and overall experiencing life. I have resolved to solve this somehow with the help of people in my life...Ideas appreciated :)
-I have had many fears in life.(Some of them are absolutely ridiculous looking back. Case in point, Elevators) Most of which I have gotten over with the exception of a few. I also resolve to not raise my kids with these silly fears.
-I still love my job. This is the longest period I have gone actually enjoying what I do
-Jen does not like hers....I try to encourage by saying you will appreciate your next job that much more. I admire her admittance to the fact that she does not have to stay at her current job, and can find another. A quality I lacked these past few years.
-This one's going to be a bit of a shock to some....I don't like Christmas, and would prefer to not get presents. Yes, I am a (that is to say...the commercial xmas. I love the actual meaning. And some stuff I do like, such as lights and songs...thats about it though)
-I don't like the sense of obligation that comes with the holidays. If you get a gift and don't give one in feel bad. I know i should want to give gifts but I just don't. I would love to serve you in some other way absolutely, but I don't want to shop for you (this may possibly stem from my hatred of shopping)
-I read a blog from our premarital counselor, Rob Shepherd. ( that made a few awesome points about surrounding yourself with different people, and people who are better then you at one of your particular interests. I just want to reiterate that point in the event that I go back and read this...I tend to like to feel like I'm the best at whatever I do. Not only is that rarely ever true, but a bad habit as well.
-I have constantly been mixing up "marital counseling" and "premarital counseling." was pointed out to me, big difference.
-I want to start using the semi-colon more...this was brought upon by my community group. I will learn how to use that darn thing!
-I'm going snowboarding this weekend. For those that do not know, I LOVE to is a passion in life.
-I have recently begun to hate being engaged. You never hear how wonderful engagement is about mid-way through. Thats because it's like wandering through an endless desert of days, only to arrive at the unfathomable mountain of wait. Ok; a bit of an exaggeration. But I do want to be married already. I would be very seriously tempted to go to our local courthouse if it weren't a complete slap in the face to our friends, family, and both our desires to have an evangelical ceremony. I don't see how a year long engagement is even possible...Thank God I'm not on that boat.
-I have been obsessed with GT5 (Gran-Turismo 5) lately. A game most gamers would find dull. I love it nonetheless.
-I have a fear of flying. More of a phobia really. And it's not like I'm afraid of crashing and dying. As soon as I step on a plane i get really claustrophobic (no plane could be big enough)also, once I realize I can't get off the plane of my own accord, I start panicking. I guess I don't like the no-turn-back factor. (Which is odd because I don't have commitment issues) It has kept me from going on some amazing trips with friends and overall experiencing life. I have resolved to solve this somehow with the help of people in my life...Ideas appreciated :)
-I have had many fears in life.(Some of them are absolutely ridiculous looking back. Case in point, Elevators) Most of which I have gotten over with the exception of a few. I also resolve to not raise my kids with these silly fears.
-I still love my job. This is the longest period I have gone actually enjoying what I do
-Jen does not like hers....I try to encourage by saying you will appreciate your next job that much more. I admire her admittance to the fact that she does not have to stay at her current job, and can find another. A quality I lacked these past few years.
-This one's going to be a bit of a shock to some....I don't like Christmas, and would prefer to not get presents. Yes, I am a (that is to say...the commercial xmas. I love the actual meaning. And some stuff I do like, such as lights and songs...thats about it though)
-I don't like the sense of obligation that comes with the holidays. If you get a gift and don't give one in feel bad. I know i should want to give gifts but I just don't. I would love to serve you in some other way absolutely, but I don't want to shop for you (this may possibly stem from my hatred of shopping)
-I read a blog from our premarital counselor, Rob Shepherd. ( that made a few awesome points about surrounding yourself with different people, and people who are better then you at one of your particular interests. I just want to reiterate that point in the event that I go back and read this...I tend to like to feel like I'm the best at whatever I do. Not only is that rarely ever true, but a bad habit as well.
-I have constantly been mixing up "marital counseling" and "premarital counseling." was pointed out to me, big difference.
-I want to start using the semi-colon more...this was brought upon by my community group. I will learn how to use that darn thing!
Monday, January 3, 2011
How many people do you keep in touch with regularly? A lot? A Little?
I don't find myself keeping in touch with a great many people; but with the few people I do I have begun to notice something different.
Positive steps in their life. Now, I find it important to notice these things so as to highlight them in conversation. I find it easier more often then not to point out whatever is wrong about something that is said or being done. Baby steps towards a better life is something I need to both recognize and encourage advancement of. criticism IS important (not to devalue) but I see criticism being valued over encouragement more often then not.
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
2 Corinthians 13:11
Granted, that is the way Paul ended a letter. But I think it still applies.
I have found it rewarding to take the focus off of myself at times and take note of an ongoing maturing process in someone els's life. They appreciate me noticing it, and I know I helped said process continue.
-My thoughts on a Tuesday.
I don't find myself keeping in touch with a great many people; but with the few people I do I have begun to notice something different.
Positive steps in their life. Now, I find it important to notice these things so as to highlight them in conversation. I find it easier more often then not to point out whatever is wrong about something that is said or being done. Baby steps towards a better life is something I need to both recognize and encourage advancement of. criticism IS important (not to devalue) but I see criticism being valued over encouragement more often then not.
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
2 Corinthians 13:11
Granted, that is the way Paul ended a letter. But I think it still applies.
I have found it rewarding to take the focus off of myself at times and take note of an ongoing maturing process in someone els's life. They appreciate me noticing it, and I know I helped said process continue.
-My thoughts on a Tuesday.
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