-We finally closed and moved into our house. Wow, God has SERIOUSLY blessed us with this place. Everything is perfect (or darn near as such) and the process was (for the most part) Very smooth.
-We had some awesome help moving Saturday. Much thanks goes to my co-worker Jonathan, Mike, and my sister Christina.
-The same day we closed we also adopted a cat. Now, I like unique names, and wanted to somehow tie the getting of a cat with the purchase of a home. I was going to go with a really obscure legal term. "Alonge" and "Escrow" were my candidates, Jen was not a fan though (Escrow almost made it) and we settled on Oreo. Rest assured if this cat was mine...it'd be getting the name alonge :)
-Work is going very well. I'm growing and passionate about my position! God has blessed me with the tolerance (?) for the stuff I do (admin work plus other things) The more I dive into my position the more I see how some people just flat out hate this work. I don't though.
-Speaking of passion, I feel a particular calling to a role in my new church. I'm not sure if I am even qualified (I'm guessing no...lol) but just picturing myself in this role gives me a renewed passion in serving. I hope God (and the church itself) answer yes. I have pursued similar areas of service in the music department in churches past and they said no. We shall see...:)
I really wish I could have a kitty :(