Monday, May 17, 2010

First New Blog In a Long Time

Now that I have things up and somewhat running I suppose I should write something!

I'll write about my weekend in NoVa...pretty amazing really. It involved lots of time with Jen, a sweet airshow (which frankly puts a Hampton Roads air show to SHAME), a birthday party with my old bible study leader Mike (who chugged the last bit of a vermonster....don't ask.)Tennis with some friends in the afternoon and Frontline afterwards....reminiscent of the life I miss :)

Not to complain though, God has brought me back to the 757 for a reason...what that reason is I'm not sure yet but I continue to seek it out.

On a random sidenote: the name of my blog is after a song by Phil Wickham....Check it out.

In other news I feel this year has gone by very fast so far...I suppose change will give that illusion though. Lots of changes both taken and will take place soon. It's very easy to become disappointed with such change without knowing God has your absolute best intentions in mind. I must let Him take the wheel. He has proven to me so many times in life that what He does in it will turn out for the best in the long run....I expect nothing less this time around.

1 comment:

  1. So true about God having your best intentions in mind. I was just just reading in my devotional this morning about how God knows all of the circumstances we are in and if we just keep concentrated on Him we will grow. Pay attention to the Source and out of us will flow rivers of living water. That is just so cool to think about. That God makes it that easy for us, that if we would just trust him and love him our lives will shine how he wants them to shine.

