Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Emergency Broadcast: Book Review for "The Case For Chist" by Lee Strobel

Over Christmas break I obtained a very interesting book through a white elephant gift exchange... (Thanks Gavin!)

This book was pretty amazing, and I didn't even plan on reading it in the beginning. In short- it is a former atheist's objective journey into the claims of the Gospel, Christ, and what existing evidence (interior and exterior to the bible) says about it. What experts in the field of archeology, ancient writings, modern medicine, and psychology have to say about the scriptures.

It struck me as interesting how a lot of people would like you to believe there is little to no supporting evidence for the gospels, and if you do decide to go about that route in life, then it's mostly faith. Well, not to take away from the faith aspect, but there is a lot more historical evidence then you (or I originally) may believe...For instance-

-More then 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament exist. The closest runner up is Homer's Iliad at 650.

-Ancient historians who could care less for Christ's mission/purpose mention Him in their writings as a "sorcerer/healer."

-Historically documented change to Jewish culture. Changes so serious, they believed they were condemned to hell if they were wrong.

-No archeological discovery has ever disproved a biblical reference.

Those are just a few points, it also goes into the resurrection, (Historically documented at the time that nobody disputed that the tomb WAS empty) Christ's claim to being God, (did he claim it, and was he sane while doing so) were the disciples telling the truth and more; while also making the point that if a person doesn't want to believe...no amount of evidence will change that.

I really like one of the final quotes included by the author: "The things Christ said can not lead to the conclusion that he was just 'a good moral teacher.' the words he spoke reflect Him to be the Son of Man. Or a lunatic/mad man or something worse." (C.S Lewis)

This book has relaunched my love for reading- and I will be posting more reviews to come!


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