Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I love summer! I'm fairly certain my brain operates slightly faster in the warmer weather. But it is 100+ degrees outside at the moment....good time to write I think.

Life has been very busy lately. Plugging back in to the hampton roads area is an ongoing process....but it is progressing.

Onto a somewhat random topic that has been on my mind lately-relationships. From what I have experienced...not an easy venture in a man (or woman's really) life. Taking time, devotion, sacrifice, and patience (to name a few) to become successful.

Another thing I have noticed is how good relationships are always SO awkward in the beginning! It takes time and effort to become the kind of couple you probably had in mind when first starting.

FYI-Starting a relationship with Christ is very similar. Slow change from the inside out. I think alot of people feel with both relationships and Christianity that when you first start such things there's this instantaneous life changing moment where nothing is the same and everything is amazing from that moment on....Nope. I mean, some people start a relationship with God with the life changing moment, but I think for the most part it's a constant, slow, process that requires you to keep coming to Him.

Now that I think about it, pretty awesome to see how similar the two are. How awesome it is to see that when you allow God to steer you on His path, everything else falls into place. (not to say you get whatever you want yada yada)

A pretty good example of this is two friends of mine who recently got married. It's very clear to see how Christ-centered their relationship is, and it encourages me to have Christ in the center of mine. Congrats Brittany and Joel!

Relationships are clearly what a good amount of my friends desire. It's sad to see desperation take its toll though....desperation causes settling for anyone willing to be in a relationship with you.....not good stuff. Not to imply to wait for the PERFECT person....but that at the very least a set of standards is crucial.

On a happier note though alot of my friends are single and just fine with it (or are looking with a set of godly standards for their mate) and yes, it definitely takes longer, but once you find that woman God has in mind, its worth every second of the me I know :) Hope this makes sense in some way or another....


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