Thursday, January 13, 2011

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things-Gym Edition.

I love and hate the gym all at the same time. Never (and I hear you reach this magical bliss at some point and time) do I WANT to go to the gym. But I have found nominal ways to entertain myself in this situation.

Compete with my neighbor.

Granted, Most of the time my machine neighbor is either very old, very out of shape, or very uncommitted to the process, making competition obsolete. But, every once in a while, I'll run into that guy who sits down on the bike next to you, looks at your screen, makes sure all his settings match yours,(all while trying to pretend like he is not) and starts pumping it out like no ones business...I wish I had the guts to be that guy...beating him is so much fun.

Listen to an audio book.
I have been told that I have high entertainment needs. Unfortunately I would have to agree with this. That being said, me looking at a little guy running in circles on a screen, or a line zig-zagging up a mountain just isn't going to cut it for my workout. Music helps, but even that gets old. I had an app on my droid that played survivor episodes (Which worked pretty well) but I watched the entire season...leaving me with, audio book. This has worked surprisingly well for me lately...I like listening to/focusing on people talking and this keeps me going and forget that I'm working out.

Don't do the same things.
This one is pretty obvious, but I have to switch it up. Sometimes I'll play volleyball, do different machines, maybe even a class. One of my favorite sayings- "variety is the spice of life!"

Go with someone.
My gym encourages you to have a workout buddy. It is probably the biggest motivator for most people. You're less likely to do just about everything by yourself. Thankfully between Jen and other friends...I got a good group to go with.

Look forward to something after.
I wouldn't say this is THE reason to go to the gym, but man I love doing my after workout routine! Hot-tub...steam room...refreshing. I look forward to it during workout, and feel like I earned it after.

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